Page 250 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 250
        Answer key: Unit 13

        Grammar                                                 Reading and Use of English | Part 3

        The language of comparison                              1  1 eight  2 one  3 yes  4 You can add a prefix or
                                                                  suffix.  5 Correct spelling is essential.  6 Read
        1  1 far the oldest  2 Most importantly  3 more
          gentlemanly  4 much more violently  5 Fewer             through the whole text, checking that the completed
          points  6 no more than  7 further than  8 the most      sentences make sense and are grammatically
          9 more and more  10 more  11 much more ancient          correct.
          12 no different
                                                                2  2   intention; intentional, unintentional; intentionally,
        2  1   nouns, long adjectives, adverbs
          2   Less can be an adverb (e.g. People smoke less than     3   application, applicant, appliance; applicable,
            they used to.) and may be followed by an adjective       inapplicable; applicably
            or another adverb (e.g. He’s less practical than his     4   explosion, explosive; explosive; explosively
            brother. She works less efficiently than her sister.).     5   advice, adviser/advisor; advisory, advisable,
            Less can also be a determiner followed by an             inadvisable; advisedly
            uncountable noun (e.g. We have less money than we     6   knowledge; knowledgeable, knowing, unknowing,
            thought.).                                               known, unknown; knowledgeably, knowingly
            Fewer is a determiner and is followed by a plural        unknowingly
            noun (e.g. These days fewer people smoke than in      7   repetition, repetitiveness; repetitive, repetitious,
            the past.).                                              repeated; repetitively, repeatedly
          3   can be carried for no more than four steps = can    8   inclusion, inclusiveness; inclusive; inclusively
            be carried for up to four steps / cannot be carried     9   description; descriptive, describable,
            for more than four steps                                 indescribable; descriptively, indescribably
          4   by far = easily, without any doubt, certainly
          5   The modern game is not very different from this.   3  1 unlimited/limitless  2 incapable  3 soreness
            (Notice that no becomes not.)                         4 involvement  5 satisfaction  6 evolution
          6   a bit, a little, slightly or no (I’m feeing a bit / a little   7 logically  8 enable
            / slightly / no better now.)

        3  1   Many people earn less money than they did five   Writing | Part 2
            years ago.                                          A letter
          2   Finding a new job was less difficult than / not as
            difficult as I expected it to be.                   1  1 three  2 review  3 (target) reader  4 260
          3   That was the funniest film I’ve ever seen.          5 sections, heading  6 persuade/convince
          4   There are fewer unemployed people now than
            there were ten years ago. / Fewer people are        3  Yes, it covers all parts of the task.
            unemployed now than ten years ago.
          5   Working conditions aren’t as good as / than they   4  Suggested answers
            used to be.                                           Para 1:  introduction – a general statement of the
          6   Petrol is becoming more and more expensive.                 purpose of the letter
                                                                  Para 2:  problems that are worrying club members
        4  1 much more  2 worst worse  3 like as  4 less fewer     Para 3: suggested improvements
          5 harder hardest  6 fewer less  7 difficult even        Para 4:  closing remarks, urging action from the
          more even more difficult  8 much far / a lot                    manager

                                                                5  1 concerned about  2 the way it is being run
                                                                  3 some time   4 noticeably less busy  5 Firstly
                                                                  6 in the area  7 adjust  8 introduced  9 retired
                                                                  people  10 consider  11 as soon as possible

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