Page 251 - Complete Advanced SB-
P. 251                                                                         Answer key: Units 13 and 14

        6  1  representing                                       Speaker 4
          2   very modern, using the most recent ideas and       I love lots of things about my country: the food, the sense
            methods                                              of humour, the newspapers, lots of things. Actually, I have
          3  not able to do what they are supposed to do         to admit it was the climate I couldn’t stand any longer.
          4   show their dissatisfaction by leaving or           I just found the short grey days and the continual rain
            withdrawing their support                            totally depressing. Mind you, the heat’s sometimes a
                                                                 problem here and then I dream of going home. But that’s
        7  Explanations: In the view of members, there are       only the odd day here and there. Mostly it’s fine.
          two possible explanations, Firstly, we believe …,
          Secondly, …                                            Speaker 5
          Suggestions: As to what action can be taken, our       I guess you could call me a rolling stone, if people still use
          main suggestions are …, reduced fees could             that expression – I mean, I’ve been abroad for so long I
          be …, There could also be …, We also believe           don’t know all the latest slang. You see, unfortunately I’m
          that …                                                 one of those typical expatriates who spends two years
                                                                 working in this country and three years working in that.
                                                                 I don’t think I could ever go back to my home country
        14 Moving abroad                                         because, quite honestly, I just wouldn’t fit in. I’d be
                                                                 completely out of touch.
                                                                 Speaker 6
        Starting off                                             As a professional ballet dancer there’s just no way I could
                                                                 have stayed in my home town. Obviously, you have to be
        2  1 C  2 F  3 B  4 G  5 D  6 A                          prepared to move abroad if you want to get to the top
                                                                 and there’s no point in being in this business unless that’s
             CD 2 Track 23
                                                                 your aim. I’ve been incredibly lucky, though, and I think
         Speaker 1                                               everyone needs luck.
         I’ve been here now for about fifteen years. It’s a good
         life, though I work hard, but frankly I miss my country and
         the town where I grew up and dream of going back. I feel   Grammar
         special ties to the place and when I retire I hope to return   Comment adverbials and intensifying
         there to be among my friends and my family.
         Speaker 2
         We were utterly fed up with the crime and feeling of   1  unfortunately, quite honestly
         insecurity that surrounded us and it was precisely for
         that reason that we moved away. What really worried    2  1 fortunately  2 undoubtedly  3 Generally
         us was the effect it might have on the kids going to the   speaking  4 To be honest  5 Apparently  6
         local school. We felt it just wasn’t worth the risk. On the   kindly  7 Obviously
         other hand, it hasn’t been easy coping with the language   8 Personally
         barrier, I have to admit. At least not for us parents. The
         kids integrated straight away, of course.              3  a   1 utterly  2 absolutely  3 totally  4 completely
         Speaker 3                                                   5 incredibly
         I haven’t changed countries, but I’ve moved from the     b  1 absolutely, completely, totally  2 utterly
         country to the city because it has better services and      3 completely, incredibly, utterly  4 totally
         more opportunities. I was absolutely astonished to find      5 no other adverb
         that many people looked down on me when I first arrived,     c  They make the adjective more emphatic.
         which didn’t exactly make things easy. I suppose they
         thought: here’s some country bumpkin come to the city to   4  1 utterly, absolutely  2 absolutely   3 incredibly,
         make good, and I guess they were right because I have!   perfectly  4 utterly, completely  5 extremely,
                                                                  incredibly  6 perfectly, absolutely   7 totally,
                                                                  utterly  8 incredibly  9 absolutely

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