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                            The authors would like to thank everyone that has worked on this book and with particular thanks to
                            Meredith Levy and Neil Holloway for their thoroughness and dedication. Thanks also to Brigit Viney
                            (project manager), Lucy Edwards (production controller), Kevin Brown (picture researcher), Kay
                            George (permissions controller) and Leon Chambers (audio producer). Special thanks to the design
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                            Guy Brook-Hart and Simon Haines

        The authors and publishers are thankful for the following people for reviewing   the experts’,, 17 July 2011. Copyright © Guardian News &
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        (Germany), Catherine Hollings (Spain), Antoine Martin (Poland), Marjorie   Coach: How to get a graduate job’ by Jeremy I’Anson, The Daily Telegraph, 21
        Rosenberg (Austria).                                    January 2013. Copyright © Telegraph Media Group Limited 2013; Random House
                                                                LLC for the text on pp. 56–57 adapted from A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering

        This product is informed by the English Vocabulary Profile, built as part of   American on the Appalachian Trail by Bill Bryson, 1997. Used by permission

        English Profile, a collaborative programme designed to enhance the learning,   of Broadway Books, an imprint of the Crown Publishing Group, a division of
        teaching and assessment of English worldwide. Its main funding partners are   Random House LLC. All rights reserved; NI Syndication Limited for the text
        Cambridge University Press and Cambridge English Language Assessment   on pp. 64–65 adapted from ‘Tate Times Drawing Challenge shortlist’ by Rachel
        and its aim is to create a ‘profile’ for English linked to the Common European   Campbell-Johnston, The Times, 25 May 2007. Copyright © NI Syndication Limited;

        Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF). English Profile outcomes, such   Guardian News and Media Ltd for the text on p. 67 adapted from ‘Offices down to

        as the English Vocabulary Profile, will provide detailed information about the   a fine art’ by Caroline Palmer, The Observer, 13 May 2001. Copyright © Guardian

        language that learners can be expected to demonstrate at each CEF level,   News & Media Ltd 2001; The Olive Press for the text on p. 68 adapted from

        offering a clear benchmark for learners’ proficiency. For more information, please   ‘Graffiti: Art or vandalism?’, The Olive Press, 13 February 2012. Reproduced
                                                                with permission; MediaShift LLC for the text on pp. 76–77 adapted from ‘Your
        visit www.englishprofi                           Guide to Virtual Worlds’ by Mark Glaser, MediaShift, PBS, 10 October 2007.
                                                                Reproduced with permission; Professor Greg Philo for the text on p. 87 adapted
        Development of this publication has made use of the Cambridge English Corpus
        (CEC). The CEC is a computer database of contemporary spoken and written   from ‘BBC must restore faith in balance, accuracy and fairness’, The Guardian
        English, which currently stands at over one billion words. It includes British   letters, 23 July 2007. Reproduced by kind permission of Professor Greg Philo;
                                                                International Debate Education Association for the text on p. 90–91 adapted
        English, American English and other varieties of English. It also includes the   from ‘This house believes reality television does more harm than good’ edited
        Cambridge Learner Corpus, developed in collaboration with the University   by Alexander Helling, International Debate Education Association, www.idebate.
        of Cambridge ESOL Examinations. Cambridge University Press has built up   org. Reproduced with permission; Random House Group Limited for the text on
        the CEC to provide evidence about language use that helps to produce better   p. 94 adapted from ‘Desert Island Discs: 70 Years of Castaways’ from One of BBC
        language-teaching materials.                            Radio 4’s Best-Loved Programmes by Sean Magee, published by Bantam Press.
                                                                Reprinted by permission of The Random House Group Limited; NI Syndication
        The Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary is the world’s most widely used   Limited for the text on pp. 100–101 adapted from ‘Bugatti Veyron’ by Jeremy
        dictionary for learners of English. Including all the words and phrases that   Clarkson, The Sunday Times, 27 November 2005. Copyright © NI Syndication
        learners are likely to come across, it also has easy-to-understand defi nitions   Limited; The Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) for
        and example sentences to show how the word is used in context. The Cambridge   the text on p. 108 adapted from ‘CEDA – Lifelong learning: How to pass the test’
        Advanced Learner’s Dictionary is available online at ©   by Professor Louise Roland, Reproduced with permission;
        Cambridge University Press. Reproduced with permission.  Go Plymouth for text C on p. 111 adapted from ‘Why I chose the University of
                                                                Plymouth’ by Emily Knight, Go Plymouth. Reproduced with permission; Adding
        The authors and publishers acknowledge the following sources of copyright   Support Skills for European Teachers (ASSET) for the text on p. 117 adapted
        material and are grateful for the permissions granted. While every effort   from ‘Characteristics of adult learners’ from Learner Centred Methodologies by
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        are brought to our notice, we will be happy to include the appropriate   pp. 122–123 adapted from Dark Star Safari: Overland from Cairo to Cape Town by
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                                                                Cod Scriveners Co., 2002. Reproduced by permission of Penguin Books Limited,
        Hodder and Stoughton and Hachette Book Group for the text on p. 12 adapted   The Wylie Agency and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights

        from The Hungry Ocean: A Swordboat Captain’s Journey by Linda Greenlaw,   reserved; Guardian News and Media Ltd for the text on p. 124 adapted from ‘Meet
        published by Hodder and Stoughton. Copyright © 1999 by Linda Greenlaw.   the tribe’ by Simon Orr, The Observer, 25 March 2007. Copyright Guardian News
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        Inc. All rights reserved; The Orion Publishing Group for the text on p. 13 from   & Media Ltd 2007; NI Syndication Limited for the text on p. 125 adapted from
                                                                ‘Paradise found, in the Dominican Republic’ by Fiona Dunlop, The Independent, 3
        The Pythons: Autobiography by The Pythons by John Cleese, Terry Gilliam,   March 2013. Copyright © NI Syndication Limited; Environmental News Network
        Michael Palin, Eric Idle, Terry Jones and the Estate of Graham Chapman,   (ENN), Inc. for the headlines on p. 128 ‘China to Build Offshore Wind Power
        published by The Orion Publishing Group. Copyright © 2003. Reproduced by   Complex’, ‘BUS Fish and Wildlife Service to consider Black-footed Albatross for
        permission of The Orion Publishing Group, London and St. Martin’s Press.
        All rights reserved. Pan Macmillan for the text on p. 13 adapted from Around   Protection’, ‘Pollutant linked to bronchitis in toddlers’, ‘Britons top table of carbon
                                                                emissions from planes’. Reproduced by permission of ENN, Inc.; New Scientist for
        Alone by Emma Richards, published by Macmillan, London. Copyright © Emma   the headline on p. 128 ‘Is the bio fuel dream over?’, New Scientist, 15 December
        Richards 2004. Reproduced with permission; Headline Publishing Group and   2007. Reproduced with permission; National Geographic Society for the headline
        Louise Greenberg Books Ltd for the text on p. 13 adapted from The Kindness of   on p. 128 ‘Arctic Melt Opens Northwest Passage’, National Geographic News, 17
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        Group, 2003. Reproduced by permission of Headline Publishing Group and   September 2007. Reproduced with permission; The Economist for the text on pp.
                                                                130–131 adapted from ‘Alex the African Grey’, The Economist, 20 September 2007.
        Louise Greenberg Books Ltd; Cambridge University Press for the text on p.   Copyright © The Economist Newspaper Limited, London 2007; WWF for the text
        21 adapted from The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language 2  edition by David   on p. 133 adapted from ‘South China tiger’, Used under the
        Crystal. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 1997. Reproduced with   Creative Commons Licence 3.0,
        permission of David Crystal and Cambridge University Press; for the
        text on p. 30 adapted from ‘The different thinking styles’,  deed.en; Shelter Publications, Inc. for the text on p. 147 adapted from ‘Galloway’s
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        leonardo/thinker_quiz/allresults.shtml. Reproduced with permission from bbc.  permission; Maytree Foundation for the texts A, B and D on p. 155 adapted with; NI Syndication Limited for the text on p. 34 adapted from ‘The next step   permission from ‘Good ideas from successful cities: municipal leadership on
        in brain evolution’ by Richard Woods, The Sunday Times, 9 July 2006. Copyright   immigrant integration’ from the Municipal leadership series, Toronto: Maytree
        © NI Syndication Limited; Text on p. 36 taken from ‘Can talent be inherited?’ by
        BLaCKPoWeR, ATRL,;   Foundation, 2012-2013. Available online from the Cities of Migration website:
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        NI Syndication Limited for the text on p. 41 adapted from ‘Friends benefi t fi rms’,   adapted from ‘The Role of Cities in Immigrant Integration’ by Brian Ray,
        The Times, 20 October 2005. Copyright © NI Syndication Limited;  Guardian News   Migration Information Source, October 2003. Originally published by the Migration
        and Media Ltd for the text on pp. 42–43 adapted from ‘Graduate jobs: Advice from
                                                                Information Source, the online journal of the Migration Policy Institute, an
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