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Triple threat up a group that’s dedicated purely
In leaving KPMG, Ms Janssens to this topic?’
sought to reconsolidate and take “So, I started out a move that
stock of her role in the industry, at the time was called Mummy
leading her to set up Sova Matters since we were talking
Financialin 2013. about money matters for mums
“It was a combination of things; and just through word of mouth
my husband and I were planning on within a few months, we grew to
starting a family so I wanted to have about 300 members including some
a little bit more control of my work from interstate.”
schedule but also I was looking Her act proved to be such a
for what my true passion was and hit that she decided to set up the
what was the best way I could go business ‘Women with Cents’ in
about helping people,” explained January 2016.
MsJanssens. “[The Mummy Matters group
Her experience with clients meet-ups] were quite popular to the
getting lost between conversations point where I was getting requests
with accountants, brokers, and from women who were interstate,
advisers motivated her to unify asking how they could access this
those three services under one and this included women who
“holistic advicepractice”. weren’t mums and that’s sort of
“Through Sova Financial I how it evolved and how Women
maintained my accounting licence with Cents came to be,” she adds.
and also became a licensed nancial “I decided to start up a proper
planner and mortgage broker business and a proper brand for
basically so I could help families it and to take the workshops that
navigate through the whole process Iwas doing and take them all
and be able to liaise with one person online so we could reach as many
instead of getting caught in the women as possible and not be
regulation trap,” said MsJanssens. restricted by geography.”
“It’d be so much easier if I Just under two years later,
couldhave that conversation Women with Cents now has over
with them end-to-end and take 7,000 women subscribed, with her
everything into account.” online delivery of podcasts and 12-
As she went about building week courses allowing her business
her business from the ground up, to grow outside of Canberra.
MsJanssens became pregnant with
her rst child, “as luck would have it”. An accounting focus
With baby boy Nicholas in tow Despite juggling two hats as director
and a budding business ahead of of Sova Financial and founder of
her, Ms Janssens’ entrepreneurial Women with Cents, MsJanssens
instinct picked up on yet another has kept her accounting feet rmly
business opportunity. planted on ground and predicts her
“When my son was born I rm’s model will be emulated in
discovered Facebook groups time to come.
where mothers were doing a lot of “I think it’s already moving that
networking online and there was way to a larger extent, with all
a Facebook group for pretty much the recent changes in regulations
every topic that you could think of about what accountants can or
but there was nothing really much in can’t advise on with regards to
relation to nance,” said Ms Janssens. super, that has already moved a
“I saw that these mothers were lot of accounting practices to get
turning to those Facebook groups a nancial planning licence,” said
and seeking nancial advice and MsJanssens.
guidance, and so in consultation “Looking at the industry as a
with them I said ‘why don’t we set whole, there are more and more
52 October / November 2017October / November 2017
P050_ Member Profile Natasha.indd 52 25/09/2017 16:02:52