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           businesses consolidating their
           services so they may not have
           one individual like myself who is           “Looking at the industry as a whole,
           licensed across all three professions
           but they are certainly starting to          there are more and more businesses
           bring those services in house so that   consolidating their services so they may
           their clients aren’t being bounced
           around through different  rms.”     not have one individual like myself who
            With the accounting landscape
           undergoing signi cant changes,         is licensed across all three professions
           MsJanssens says her time as a
           triple licensed professional has       but they are certainly starting to bring
           given her greater perspective on
           what accountants can better do to          those services in house so that their
           stay ahead of the curve.
            “There is some very savvy and              clients aren’t being bounced around
           sophisticated software coming out
           even for small business but this is a                          through different firms.”
           challenge that not only accountants
           face, but even  nancial planners
           and mortgage brokers are facing as
           far as how can it add value apart             Looking to the future           nancial planner or mortgage
           from the data entry component of it           Ms Janssens has big plans for   broker that they like the sound of
           because there is a lot of technology          Women with Cents, hoping to push   and they can contact them and get
           nowadays that can look after that,”           it to become the national “go-to   the ball rolling from there.”
           said MsJanssens.                             resource for women”.            On the  ipside, Ms Janssens has
            “I found that when I switched                  “There is no clear standout   no plans to expand Sova Financial,
           from being an accountant to                   for [women] as far as to where   fearing that it might lose “that
           being a  nancial planner that the            they would go to for all this   boutique and personalised touch
           nature of my relationship with my             information, not even with ASIC’s   about it”.
           clientschanged.                              Money Smart or the ATO website,”   Ms Janssens knows exactly
            “With my  nancial planning, we              said Ms Janssens.              how important that personalised,
           were having far more personal and               “I want to build up Women with   community feel is, having been a
           intimate conversations around their           Cents so that it is the  rst place   member with the IPA since 2008,
           goals and values and really digging           they think to go to for  nancial   a move that has given her the
           further into their personal  nances          information whether that be tax-  impetus to grow.
           apart from what you would when                related issues or something else.”  “I love the community that we
           you are just looking after their                To add to that, Ms Janssens   have here in Canberra because
           taxes,” she added.                            hopes to roll out a matchmaking   thinking with my  nancial planning
            “That’s the next step for                    service that helps connect women   and mortgage broking hats on,
           accountants… building those                   to accountants and  nancial   in those professions there really
           relationships and being more                  planners because of the “analysis   isn’t much of a community and a
           involved and proactive with their             paralysis” that many of her clients   network through the associations
           clients throughout the year, because          face once they have been given the   that’s happening in Canberra,
           usually we see them at the very               necessary  nancial information.  most of the events take place in
           end of everything unless there’s                “[Women] tell me there are so   the larger cities like Sydney and
           something speci c that they need             many accountants and  nancial   Melbourne,” said Ms Janssens.
           advice on.                                    planners out there that the decision   “Whereas with the IPA we
            “I think developing those personal           is overwhelming so they won’t do   have a great little community in
           relationships more and helping guide          anything,” she explains.       Canberra that catches up regularly,
           them through the year and teaching              “I’d like to build up a database   there are people I can bounce ideas
           them how they can be more strategic           of like-minded businesses so that   off or ask questions if I’m unsure
           with the way that they manage                 once a client has established a need   on a technical point.
           their personal  nances and their             and they recognise what it is that   “So that’s been very helpful in
           taxes, I think that would be where            they are after, through that system   advancing my career but also to
           accountants can value-add.”                   they can choose an accountant,   grow my practice.”

                                                                                             October / November 2017ctober / November 2017
                                                        O                     53 53

      P050_ Member Profile Natasha.indd   53                                                                  25/09/2017   16:03:03
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