Page 18 - Wound Care at End of Life Content: A Guide for Hospice Professionals - DEMO
P. 18

Best practice for wound care includes implementing the following:
               1. Identify the cause and factors that may interfere with healing and address patient‐centered concerns.
               2. Differentiate the wound’s ability to heal: classify as healable, maintenance, or non‐healable wound.
               3. Focus on use of topical antiseptics for non‐healable or maintenance wounds. Active debridement is
               generally not appropriate.
               4. Determine level of bacterial burden (superficially and/or infection in the deep wound bed).
               5. Use topical treatment for superficial increased bacterial burden (NERDS). Monitor response to
               6. Use systemic agents for deep infection (STONES). Monitor response to treatment.
               7. Reassess the wound at 1 week, 2 weeks, and 4 weeks for signs of improvement. Wound healing is not
               always the primary goal in hospice. Consider the patient’s need for reduced pain, odor, dressing change
               frequency, and management of exudate.
               8. Do not use topical or systemic antibacterial agents longer than 14 days without weighing the benefits
               and risks of their use.
               9. Empower patients through education about wound bed preparation, treatment plans, and
               prevention. Develop the plan of care in collaboration with the patient. Clinician awareness of individual
               socioeconomic, cultural, and psychosocial factors for each patient is essential.

                     Antimicrobial Classifications: Comparison of Antibiotic, Antifungal, and Antiseptic Activity

                                                                       •Pharmacologic agents that
                                                                        destroy or inhibit bacteria. May be
                                                                        broad or narrow in spectrum of
                                                                        activity. Used systemically and
                                                       Antibiotics      topically.
                                                                       •Ex: Mupirocin (Bactroban ),
                                                                        cephalexin (Keflex ),
                                                                        metronidazole (Flagyl )

                                                                             •Pharmacologic agents that inhibit
                                                                              the growth of fungal infections.
                                                                              May be broad or narrow in
                         Antimicrobials                      Antifungals      spectrum of activity. Used
                                                                              systemically and topically.
                                                                             •Ex: Nystatin (Nystop ),
                                                                              clotrimazole (Lotrimin ),
                                                                              miconazole (Micatin )

                                                                       •Chemical  agents that prevent,
                                                                        inhibit, or destroy microorganisms
                                                                        including bacteria, viruses, fungi,
                                                                        and protozoa. Topical use only.
                                                                       •Ex: Sodium hypochlorite
                                                                        (Dakin’s ), chlorhexidine
                                                                        gluconate (Hibiclens ), povidone‐
                                                                        iodine (Betadine )

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