Page 19 - Wound Care at End of Life Content: A Guide for Hospice Professionals - DEMO
P. 19
Effects of Medication on Wound Healing 16
IMPAIR: Medications That May Hinder Wound Healing
Medication Class Examples Mechanism Comments
Anti‐inflammatory Prednisone, Inhibits Corticosteroids help manage other
hydrocortisone, inflammatory phase symptoms (pain, appetite, etc);
dexamethasone, of wound healing; evaluate risk vs. benefits with
colchicine impairs granulation patient.
and epithelial
Immunosuppressant Azathioprine, May inhibit May no longer be necessary at end
methotrexate, inflammatory and of life; evaluate risk vs. benefits with
hydroxyurea proliferative phases patient.
of wound healing
Antiseptics Chlorhexidine, Change in pH; Appropriate for cleansing but should
povidone iodine, indiscriminate not be left on wound bed; rinse with
hydrogen chemical saline after cleansing to minimize
peroxide, acetic destruction toxic effects.
acid, Dakin’s®
Antibiotics Mupirocin, Topical antibiotics Topical antibiotics may cause allergic
gentamicin, are bacteriostatic contact dermatitis
bacitracin, only Potential for growth of resistant
neomycin, organisms
polymixin B
Cardiovascular Warfarin, heparin, Prevention of fibrin Anticoagulants: Wound healing
‐anticoagulants epinephrine, formation; delayed due to lack of fibrin
‐vasoconstrictors nicotine Vasoconstrictors formation
impair Vasoconstrictors: decrease blood
microcirculation supply to wound; may increase ulcer
ENHANCE: Medications That May Benefit Wound Healing
Medication Class Examples Mechanism Comments
Antiseptics Chlorhexidine, Inhibit or destroy Chemical destructive agents to
povidone microorganisms decontaminate wounds
iodine, acetic Topical use only
acid, Dakin’s® Rinse wound bed with normal saline
solution after use of antiseptics
Anti‐epileptics Phenytoin Modifies collagen May be compounded for topical
remodeling wound application
See Other Therapies, page 53
Cardiovascular Aspirin, NSAIDs, Enhance tissue Prevents tissue injury through
‐antiplatelets calcium channel perfusion through inhibition of thrombus formation
‐vasodilators blockers vasodilation or Increases blood flow to ischemic
decreased platelet tissue