Page 25 - Wound Care at End of Life Content: A Guide for Hospice Professionals - DEMO
P. 25

WOUND TREATMENT GRID: Pressure Ulcers Stage 3 & 4
               Wound Care Need    Pressure Ulcer Stage 3 or 4              Comments
               Description        Stage 3: Full thickness ulcer with       Stage 3 and 4 ulcers have highest infection
                                  subcutaneous tissue visible              risk
                                  Stage 4: Full thickness ulcer with exposed   Osteomyelitis risk if bone is exposed
                                  muscle, tendon, and/or bone
               Cleanse            Normal saline, commercial wound cleanser,   Irrigate with 4‐15 psi to remove debris.
                                  *antiseptics: acetic acid 0.25%, chlorhexidine,     Spray bottle: 1.2 psi (inadequate)
                                  hydrogen peroxide, povidone‐iodine         Piston syringe: 4.2 psi
                                  (Betadine®), ½ strength sodium hypochlorite     Squeeze bottle with irrigation cap: 4.5 psi  1
                                  (Dakin’s solution 0.25%)                   35 mL syringe and 18 gauge needle: 8 psi
                                                                              o Proper sharps precautions required if using
                                                                                this method
                                                                           *Rinse wound bed with normal saline after
                                                                           using any antiseptic cleanser to avoid toxic
               Debridement        •Autolytic: transparent dressing, hydrocolloid,     See Debridement Algorithm
                                  alginate; hydrogel if wound is dry.         Silver inactivates collagenase; do not use
                                  •Chemical: collagenase (Santyl®) (change 1‐2   silver dressing and collagenase together.
                                  times per day); Full‐strength sodium        Only leave full‐strength Dakin’s® solution
                                  hypochlorite (Dakin’s® solution, 0.5%) 5    in contact with wound bed if intent is
                                  applied to gauze and packed in wound       debridement.
                                  • Biosurgical: Larval therapy
               Dressing           Hydrocolloid (do not use if infection is     Protect periwound area with a skin
                                  present), alginate, foam                   barrier film if an adhesive is used
                                  Contact layer to protect wound bed.
               Infection           Silver dressing                        See Antimicrobials on Wound Care Products
                                   Honey                                  chart, page 42.
                                   Antiseptics                            May treat empirically.
                                   Cleanse  with ½ strength sodium        •MRSA: cadexomer iodine, silver dressing
                                                                           •Pseudomonas:  acetic acid
                                    hypochlorite (Dakin’s® solution0.25%), then
                                    rinse with normal saline               • VRE: hydrofera blue, silver dressing
                                   Use topical antibiotics ≤ 14 days to reduce   • MSSA: cadexomer iodine, chlorhexidine,
                                    colonization                           hydrofera blue, silver dressing
                                                                           *Rinse wound bed with normal saline after
                                                                           using any antiseptic cleanser to minimize
                                                                           toxic effects
               Malodor             Metronidazole crushed tabs (Flagyl®) to     Wound cleansing & debridement aid in
                                    wound bed with dressing changes; use gel   odor control
                                    (Metrogel®) only if wound bed is dry     Change dressing more often to manage
                                   Charcoal dressing                        odor and/or exudate
                                   Honey                                    Hydrocolloid dressings tend to create odor
                                   Cleanse with ½ strength Dakin’s® solution,   (doesn't mean infection is present)
                                    then rinse with normal saline            Do not use hydrocolloid if infection is
                                   Change hydrocolloid dressing every 24‐48   present
                                    hours.                                   Environmental strategies:
                                                                                In room: kitty litter, vanilla extract,
                                                                                coffee grounds, dryer sheets
                                                                                On dressing: essential oils
                                                                                (wintergreen or lavender)
               Dead Space         Alginate roping; foam; wound fillers; collagen;   Dressing materials placed into open wounds
                                  hydrogel                                 to eliminate dead space, absorb exudate, or
                                                                           maintain moisture
               Pruritus           Not usually associated with wound, assess   If patient reports pruritus, evaluate for
                                  surrounding skin.                        contact dermatitis, hypersensitivity, or yeast

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