Page 26 - Wound Care at End of Life Content: A Guide for Hospice Professionals - DEMO
P. 26

WOUND TREATMENT GRID: Pressure Ulcers Stage 3 & 4
               Wound Care Need    Pressure Ulcer Stage 3 or 4              Comments
               Bleeding           Dressing strategies:                       Consider checking: platelet count, PT/INR,
                                     Calcium alginate (silver alginate is not   vitamin K deficiency.
                                      hemostatic)                            Ask: Is transfusion appropriate? Is patient
                                      Non‐adherent dressing                 on warfarin?
                                      Coagulants: gelatin sponge, thrombin     Use topical vasoconstrictors only when
                                  Topical/local strategies:                  bleeding is minimal, oozing, or seeping
                                      Sclerosing agent: silver nitrate
                                      Antifibrinolytic agent: tranexamic acid
                                      Astringents: Alum solution, sucralfate
                                      Vasoconstrictive agents: topical
                                      oxymetazoline (Afrin®) , topical
               Support Surface    Group 2 Support Surface: Any patient with   •Group 2: Dynamic. Powered air flotation
                                  partial to full thickness ulcers already present.   beds & pressure reducing air mattress, non‐
                                  Group 3 Support Surface: Patient must have   powered advanced pressure reducing
                                  large or multiple stage 3 or 4 pressure ulcers   mattress
                                  on trunk or pelvis, be bedbound, and all   •Group 3: Dynamic. Air‐fluidized bed
                                  alternative measures have failed (criteria to
                                  receive Medicare reimbursement).
               Pain               •Topically:                                Allow procedural time‐outs.
                                     ‐ 2% lidocaine  or EMLA® cream 30‐60                   Use moisture‐balanced dressing.
                                  minutes before dressing change;            Use appropriate irrigation force.

                                   ‐ Morphine in hydrogel (only for          Avoid adherent dressings.
                                  open/inflamed wounds)                      Use warm saline irrigation to remove
                                  •Systemically:                             dressing.
                                    ‐ Pre‐medicate 30‐60 minutes prior to     Use contact layer to protect wound bed.
                                  dressing change with appropriate agent for     Complementary therapies, such as music,
                                  anxiety and/or for pain.
                                                                             relaxation, aromatherapy, visualization,
                                    ‐ Neuropathic pain (burning, stabbing,   meditation, can be helpful.
                                  stinging, shooting pain): tricyclic
                                  antidepressant, anticonvulsant.
                                    ‐ Nociceptive pain: appropriate opioid or

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