Page 34 - Wound Care at End of Life Content: A Guide for Hospice Professionals - DEMO
P. 34

               Wound Care Need    Venous Ulcer                        Comments
               Pruritus           Topical:                             Due to skin changes with chronic venous
                                   Apply unscented, lanolin free       insufficiency, dermatitis and pruritus are
                                   hydrophilic moisturizers: Lubriderm®,   common.
                                   Eucerin®, Keri®, Aquaphor®          Skin changes may mimic cellulitis. Avoid
                                   Corticosteroid creams (start with OTC   antibiotics unless known bacterial infection is
                                   first): Cortaid®, Kenalog®           present.
                                                                       Stasis dermatitis usually responds to
                                                                       Corticosteroids may be needed to reduce
                                                                        pruritus, usually topical. May use burst of
                                                                        oral corticosteroids if severe.
               Bleeding           Dressing strategies:                 Consider checking: platelet count, PT/INR,
                                    Calcium alginate (silver alginate is not   vitamin K deficiency
                                     hemostatic)                           Ask: Is transfusion appropriate? Is patient on
                                     Non‐adherent dressing             warfarin?
                                     Coagulants: gelatin sponge, thrombin
                                  Topical/local strategies:
                                     Sclerosing agent: silver nitrate
                                     Antifibrinolytic agent: tranexamic acid
                                     Astringents: Alum solution, sucralfate
               Support Surface    N/A. Only pressure ulcers determine use   Medicare reimbursement is based on presence
                                  of support surfaces                 of pressure ulcers, not other wound types.
               Pain                Usually a dull aching pain or heaviness    Allow procedural time‐outs.
                                   that is relieved as edema decreases    Use moisture‐balanced dressing.
                                   Elevation of the extremity may decrease    Use appropriate irrigation force.
                                   pain even without presence of edema    Avoid adherent dressings.
                                   Pre‐medicate with appropriate agent for   Use warm saline irrigation to remove
                                   pain and/or anxiety prior to dressing   dressing.
                                   change                              Complementary therapies, such as music,
                                   Neuropathic pain (burning, stabbing,   relaxation, aromatherapy, visualization,
                                   stinging, shooting pain): tricyclic   meditation, can be helpful.
                                   antidepressant, anticonvulsant
                                   Nociceptive pain (gnawing, throbbing,
                                   tenderness): opioid or corticosteroid
               Other               Shallow wound base with granulation   Compression therapy is usually part of venous
                                   tissue‐rarely necrotic             ulcer management. For additional information
                                   Edema is one of the early signs   see Special Topics, page 52.
                                   Hyperpigmentation of calves

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