Page 36 - Wound Care at End of Life Content: A Guide for Hospice Professionals - DEMO
P. 36
Wound Care Need Radiated Skin Comments
Description Damaged by radiation therapy; Any radiated area of body
appears burned, crusty, peeling, May include hair loss to the area, decreased
or friable perspiration, superficial changes to blood vessels,
Usually fairly superficial, but is edema, and scarring
possible for the wound to be Inflammation usually occurs immediately after
deeper area is radiated
Cleanse Use lukewarm water & mild non‐ Hydrogel for desquamation (removal of scaling)
alkaline soap: baby soap, Dove®, or Normal saline soaks to loosen crusting
Ivory® Do not rub skin‐pat dry
Debridement Don’t usually debride See Debridement Algorithm
Consult physician re: surgical debridement if
Topical Treatment Apply unscented, lanolin‐free Protect periwound area with a skin barrier film if
hydrophilic moisturizers: an adhesive is used
Lubriderm®, Eucerin®, Keri®, Cover wound to minimize evaporation, pain, and
Aquaphor® risk of infection
Corticosteroid cream for Apply moisturizer 2‐3 times/day
erythema Protect from sun with SPF 15 or higher
Hydrogel: dry desquamation Protect from friction, rubbing, or tight clothes
Foam: moist desquamation Protect from extreme heat/cold, cuts, and scrapes
Infection Topical antibiotics helpful as this See Antimicrobials on Wound Care Products chart,
damaged tissue is less able to page 42.
resist or fight infection May treat empirically.
Use topical antibiotics ≤ 14 days •MRSA: cadexomer iodine, mupirocin ointment,
to reduce colonization risk silver dressing
•Pseudomonas: acetic acid 0.25%
• VRE: hydrofera blue, silver dressing
• MSSA: cadexomer iodine, chlorhexidine, hydrofera
blue, mupirocin silver dressing
Malodor Honey
Topical metronidazole (Flagyl®)
Dead Space N/A
Pruritus Topical corticosteroid creams If patient reports pruritus, evaluate for contact
Normal saline compresses dermatitis, hypersensitivity, or yeast dermatitis
Cool mist humidifier
Cooled hydrogel sheets
Bleeding Not likely, but may occur Encourage gentle cleansing and moisturizers
Support Surface N/A. Only pressure ulcers Medicare reimbursement is based on presence of
determine use of support surfaces pressure ulcers, not other wound types.
Pain Aloe vera gel may soothe and Allow procedural time‐outs.
cool radiated skin Use moisture‐balanced, dressing.
Morphine in hydrogel (only for Use appropriate irrigation force.
open/inflamed wounds) Avoid adherent dressings or clothing.
Complementary therapies, such as music,
relaxation, aromatherapy, visualization,
meditation, can be helpful.
Other Do not use petrolatum based
products, products with perfumes
or alpha‐hydroxy acids