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Fantastic                                                                                            he could call on. Luis knew of Healthnetwork
                                                                                                               In this case, he had another connection
        Relationships                                                                                        Foundation through his friends John and
                                                                                                             Martha Eggemeyer, who had connected him
        for the Win                                                                                          for help with another medical issue several
                                                                                                             years earlier. When that resolved successfully,
                                                                                                             Luis made a donation and maintained his
        As a former NFL player, Luis Castillo is very                                                        Healthnetwork connection.
        familiar with surgery. He’s had at least 15 of
        them—mostly orthopedic, some of them major.                                                          A Workout for the Voice
        So when his local physician, a well-known                                                            Healthnetwork connected Luis with Dr. Anca
        Ear, Nose and Throat doctor in San Diego, told
        him he needed a quick outpatient surgery                                                             Barbu at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in     A silver lining of the month of silence after surgery:
        to remove a polyp on his vocal cord, it seemed                                                       Los Angeles. The experience this time was   “Having to sit there and whisper, it changed my way
                                                                                                             completely different. Dr. Barbu explained
        like no big deal.                                                                                                                                of parenting. I had to be more measured. It made
                                                                                                             how the tissue of the vocal cords is unique,
                                                                                                             how it’s supposed to vibrate at 110 beats    me a better dad.”
                    ormally, Luis would seek multiple
                                                                                                             per second. She showed Luis where he had
           N        opinions before a medical                                                                scar tissue because of how the first procedure
                                                                                                             was done—tissue that would never vibrate
                    procedure. “I’m very diligent
                    as a patient,” he says. “After    Luis has done more than his share of physical therapy   the way it should. She described how she
        years of professional football, seeing how   over the years, but voice physical therapy was a first.   would create a flap, remove the polyp and lay
        experts disagree on the best course of                                                               the flap back down so there would be no
        treatment or how long healing should take,                                                           scarring and no further loss of voice quality.
        I’ve become a skeptical patient.”              Worst of all, he says, “It changed the quality          Beside recommending a different
           But this time, Luis decided just to go with   of my parenting. I wasn’t reading to my kids        procedure, Dr. Barbu also had a different
        his ENT’s recommendation. “It seemed like   as much, and I stopped singing to them at night.         approach before and after the surgery.
        standard, straightforward course of treatment   There are four of them and we usually do             For three months ahead of time, Luis worked
        and I felt comfortable with him,” says Luis.    multiple songs per kid per night.”                   with a vocal cord specialist doing drills
        “As a patient I believe you should do more     Luis went back to the ENT and asked,                  on how to project air flow, appropriate tones   “We’ve known Luis for about ten years.
        than just take the first doctor’s opinion, but    “What now?” The doctor suggested they repeat       to speak at, how to clear his throat. After     He is an outstanding individual and
        it is time consuming, and it’s exhausting.    the procedure to remove the polyp again.               the surgery, Dr. Barbu instructed Luis not to   a great family man. We believe in health
        I had just had two orthopedic surgeries, and    And, to Luis’s alarm, he said they needed to         speak at all for two weeks, followed by         care, and we believe in trying to help
        I was tired of the back and forth. So I didn’t    look into what might be causing such fast          another two weeks of very limited and quiet     our friends in any way we can. To be able
        do my super due diligence like I usually do.    growth. “So that sent me down a path of MRIs         speaking. And it worked! Within a few months    to connect our friends with outstanding
        I just scheduled the surgery for a week     and ultrasounds and other specialists.”                  of the surgery, there was no sign of the        professionals is so valuable, especially
        later and went with it.”                                                                             polyp returning and Luis’s voice was back to    as medicine is becoming more and
                                                    Second, Third and Fourth Opinions                        its normal quality.                             more specialized.
        What Happened to My Voice?                  This rinse-and-repeat approach didn’t sit                  Luis says he still has respect for his local   We give to Healthnetwork because we

        The procedure was straightforward—15        well with Luis. “I felt like, okay, now I’m going        ENT and would go back to him for routine        recognize it requires money on their part
        minutes, no pain, no recovery time. But then   to approach this with same diligence as I             ear, nose and throat issues. But he also says   to do what they do, to maintain access
        things took an unexpected turn. Within a    normally would.”                                         the experience “reinforced my skepticism        to those resources, and we are pleased
        month, the polyp had come back bigger than     Because of his football experiences, Luis             in the world of medicine” and reminded him      to be part of the support network.”
        the original. Within three months, it was    has an extensive network. “I’ve navigated               how important those second, third, and

        three times bigger and growing rapidly. Luis’s   that world of second, third and fourth opinions     even fourth opinions can be.                    —  JOHN AND MARTHA EGGEMEYER
        voice became hoarse and raspy. He stopped   when it comes to orthopedic stuff,” he says.               “Healthnetwork has fantastic relationships,      Healthnetwork Supporters
        going out to restaurants because he couldn’t   “But when it comes to non-orthopedic stuff,           and I’m so grateful they got me connected
        project his voice enough to be heard.       that’s not a familiar world to me.”                      with Dr. Barbu.” ✦

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