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Health:    mother of an 18-month-old. Joan had multiple   surgery,” says Carolyn. “I knew there were only
                                                       “I shook for three weeks leading up to the
        surgeries near her home in Pittsburgh, but
 A Family Affair  then the cancer metastasized—and that’s when  three outcomes: One, I’d walk out. Two, I’d be
        Carolyn called Healthnetwork for the first time.  a paraplegic. Or three, I wouldn’t wake up at all.”
                                                    The morning of the surgery Carolyn woke up
 Carolyn Reichert dreamed of having a big family.   with a supernatural sense of peace. “I felt like
 Her own birth family was small, just her brother   I was going to meet a friend for lunch,” she says.
 and parents, and both parents had passed by the   “They got her into MD Anderson,   “I’ve never felt such calm. I know there is a
 time she was in her 30s. Today, at age 82, Carolyn   where they worked with her and   God.” Her spinal fusion surgery led to outcome
 can say her dream came true. She is the proud      number one: she walked out.
 mother of five—ten if you count her kids’ spouses   saved her life.”
 (which she does)—grandmother of ten, and           A Family Legacy
 great-grandmother of five with one on the way.     “Healthnetwork has been such a blessing to
 With all those precious lives on her family tree,   our family,” says Carolyn. “They’ve bent over
 Carolyn is happy to be part of Healthnetwork   Paul and Carolyn Reichert have been connected   “They got her into MD Anderson, where    backwards to help my children and I hate to
 Foundation’s Family Legacy program, and relieved   with Healthnetwork since the very beginning   they worked with her and saved her life,” says   think where I’d be today if it weren’t for them.
 to know her descendants’ health is in good hands.   through Paul’s longtime involvement with YPO.  Carolyn. “The baby was 18 months when    Bill Rowley who started it left a wonderful
        this all started, and now she’s 25. Joan is still   legacy. Knowing our kids and grandkids are part
        with us and doing fine.”
 A  t last the car was packed. Carolyn   busy as it’s ever been—and having arms that   Carolyn’s son-in-law Greg, who has been   of Healthnetwork through the Family Legacy
           The next health crisis came in 2010.
                                                    program takes a weight off my shoulders.”
 and Paul Reichert spend winters
 didn’t work right was starting to be a real
                                                       Paul adds, ”YPO brought so many good
 in Naples, Florida, and they like to
 leave for “home” in Utah before   problem. She wanted to see a specialist who   dealing with Hodgkin Lymphoma since age    things into my life, including Healthnetwork.
 could figure out what was wrong and fix it.
 the weather gets too hot. They take their time   And she knew her quickest way to the best   13, had a new cancer pop up in an area where   Our family has benefitted tremendously from
 with the trip west, seeing friends and family   specialist would be a phone call she had    radiation had been done for the lymphoma.   their referrals to the best specialists, and we are
 along the way over two or three weeks. In the   made numerous times over the years: to   “We called Healthnetwork and bless their   glad to give back to support the worthy work
 spring of 2020 just as they were getting on   Healthnetwork Foundation.   hearts, they got us into Mayo Clinic within two   they are doing.” ✦
 the road, Carolyn noticed a strange feeling in   days,” says Carolyn. “Greg has been with Mayo
 her left arm. “There was pain below my bicep   ever since. So far so good.”
 and I couldn’t reach up to get something over   “Then in 2020,” she says, “I guess it was
 my head.” Throughout the trip, she could feel   “We called Healthnetwork and bless   my turn.”
 the sensation traveling up her arm, across    their hearts, they got us into Mayo   Three Possible Outcomes
 the clavicle, and over to her right arm. By the   Clinic within two days.”
 time they arrived in Utah, her left arm felt   As a teenager Carolyn was involved in a car
 better but her right arm was painful and had   accident. “I broke a steering wheel in half with
 restricted motion—and it stayed that way    my face.” In her early 60s she tripped on an
 for six months.   For the Children   uneven sidewalk, “did a pike into the street,”
 Carolyn went to see her doctor in Utah    and thought she’d broken her neck. Everything
 and did physical therapy over the summer,    Carolyn’s husband, Paul, was involved with   turned out to be okay, so she thought. “But
 but things did not improve. Back in Florida    YPO and WPO for many years, and he always   then in 2020 everything came back to bite me.”
 the following autumn, she started going to   knew about Healthnetwork as one of the   Those injuries to her spine led to
 specialists. It was a disappointing experience.   benefits for members. While he never needed    degeneration over the years. The pain and
 “It felt like I knew more than they did,” she   a medical referral for anything major for   mobility issues in her arms were a warning
 says. “I had to show one of them on the MRI   himself, Paul and Carolyn were relieved to   sign that something was terribly wrong.
 where to look.”   have access to Healthnetwork when various   Healthnetwork referred Carolyn to Dr. Ali
 Besides being concerned about her arms,   family members needed help over the years.  Bydon, a neurosurgeon at Johns Hopkins,
 Carolyn felt frustrated by all the non-answers   In the 90s, Carolyn’s daughter-in-law Joan   who explained that her discs were severely
 she was getting. At 82 years old, Carolyn   received a diagnosis of adrenal carcinoma    compressed in several places and were    The Reichert family takes advantage of a season
 knows she’s at the age when people tend to   and was given two years to live—devastating   affecting her spinal cord. She was at risk of   of good health to enjoy a multi-generational
 slow down. But she feels like her life is as    news for anyone, but even more so for the new   becoming paralyzed.   snowmobiling trip.

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