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Family Legacy Hold the Phone!
“If not for Healthnetwork I’d be in chemo
I remember when my kids were little I felt teve Hoyt’s wife and friends and radiation right now. I probably
like I would have done anything to see S wanted him to get a second wouldn’t have any hair. I’ve talked to
them grow up to be happy and healthy. Now opinion, but Steve was people who’ve been through that regimen
they’re teenagers—and thank God, happy reluctant. He’d already seen
and healthy. And even though we’re smack his primary doctor, a dermatologist, an and it’s not friendly. I’d be in the middle
in the middle of the awkward, sassy teen oncologist, and a radiologist. Everyone of it. Instead I’m enjoying life.”
years, my desire for their wellbeing hasn’t agreed: the lesion on his nose was cancer.
diminished at all. I suspect no matter how Why waste time and resources traveling
old they are, I’m always going to want to to another city for yet another opinion? Not Lymphoma?
help them enjoy the best life possible. But to appease his loved ones, Steve
I know I’m not the only parent who feels agreed to go to the Mayo Clinic. He never At first, it seemed like Steve’s doubts were
this way. imagined what a drastic difference it justified. He spent the better part of a day at
would make.
This is how the Family Legacy program Mayo Clinic and received the same news:
began. We started hearing from some of our Steve Hoyt squinted in the mirror. Yes, it’s cancer. Dejected and sad, Steve made
long-time families who said: “We’ve benefitted That doesn’t look like acne. He made an his way out of the hospital and back to the
greatly from our Healthnetwork access, and appointment with his dermatologist parking garage. As he was pulling out of the
we want to set up our kids and grandkids to who agreed the lump looked strange. garage, his phone rang. It was the hematologist.
enjoy the same access even after we’re gone.” She took a biopsy and told Steve the bad “Hold the phone. It’s not lymphoma.”
So we started a Family Legacy program, in news: It looks like cancer. He saw his A pathologist had run more tests and found
which your children or other significant family primary doctor, followed by an oncologist that Steve did not have cancer. He had a
members have their own GOLD supporter and a radiologist. All of them gave suppressed immune system because of another
cards and can call us directly anytime. It turned the same grim diagnosis: Lymphoma. At medication he takes and an out-of-control
out to be quite popular. Within the first two 71, Steve suddenly found himself facing Steve Hoyt is a member of YPO and CEO and is Epstein-Barr virus. Steve’s head spun. In a
years, 40 families have joined. a notoriously rough chemotherapy the Founder of Hoyt Properties, Inc. in Minneapolis. second, he had gone from having cancer to a
I’m not surprised. Many of our families put regimen involving five drugs, followed Steve and his wife, Paula, are generous supporters virus, from facing intense chemo to antibody
a lot of careful thought into succession by radiation. Steve spends winters of Healthnetwork Foundation. injections with relatively mild side effects.
planning for the transfer of family businesses, in Scottsdale, Arizona, where he usually “I was relieved and surprised,” he says.
property, and wealth. Of course you want to enjoys golfing. Now he began making “I’m very grateful someone behind the scenes
pass on access to the best healthcare, as well. plans to spend the winter going through in pathology was willing to drill down deeper
If you would like to learn more about cancer treatment. “Lesson learned: get a second opinion. and figure it out.”
the Family Legacy program or discuss Preferably from a world-class hospital.”
a gift through your estate plan to sustain Second Opinion Lesson Learned:
Healthnetwork Foundation for future Steve and his wife Paula helped form Get a Second Opinion
generations, I would be honored to speak the first-ever CEO couples forum several “If not for Healthnetwork I’d be in chemo
with you. ✦ years ago. At one of the meetings last Steve decided to cancel it. Do I really need to and radiation right now,” Steve reflected in
fall, Steve shared about his diagnosis. do this? he thought. Why use up the insurance early March at the time this article was
Paula and longtime friends in the forum company’s money? I have doctors here in written. “I probably wouldn’t have any hair.
leaned heavily on Steve to get a second Minnesota who are plenty good. It is what it is. I’ve talked to people who’ve been through
opinion. He conceded and made a call He emailed his Healthnetwork medical that regimen and it’s not friendly. I’d be
MEGAN FRANKEL to Healthnetwork Foundation, who coordinator, Ali Fisher, to let her know he in the middle of it. Instead I’m not. I’m here,
President helped facilitate an appointment at the would be canceling the appointment, and enjoying life, still working as hard as I
Healthnetwork Foundation
+1 440-264-1923 Mayo Clinic in Rochester, not far from she added her voice to that of his wife usually do, traveling. It was a real God-send.
mfrankel@ Steve’s primary residence in Minneapolis. and friends and strongly urged him to keep Lesson learned: get a second opinion. But as the appointment day drew near, the appointment. So off to Rochester he went. Preferably from a world-class hospital.” ✦
12 Healthnetwork Foundation | One Call Starts It All +1 (866) 968-2467 +1 (440) 893-0830 13