Page 72 - LVG&L Magazine Summer 2020
P. 72


          Amber Barton (left) &
          Lauren Gerrish (right)


        •  Keep moving! Being sedentary decreases energy levels   •  Try to find time to incorporate some form of physical
        and motivation and increases  depression and bad habits.   activity  as often  as you  can. This could be  as simple  as
        Staying active keeps the body moving, keeps it healthy   going for a walk. Even a round of golf counts!
        and strong, and increases positive attitudes, habits and   •  Eat a balanced diet. The immune system is fueled by the
                                                               nutrients found in foods such as oranges, broccoli, kiwi, and
        •  Eat well to feel well! Not eating well or giving the body   spinach, just to name a few.
        the fuel that it needs will leave most people feeling lethar-  •  Strive for a positive mindset. Mental health is just as
        gic, depressed, and unmotivated. Feeding your body the   important as your physical health! During difficult times,
        proper nutrients boosts energy levels and provides the fuel   stress can be heightened, but a positive outlook is key.
        necessary for positive body and mind functions.
                                                               Positive thoughts reduce stress that can make you more sus-
        •  Stretch! Stretching helps to release toxins,  tightness   ceptible to illness. Activities such as (Guided) Meditation,
        and stress. Stretching daily will increase positive range of   Yoga, and proper sleep are essential to mental well-being.
        motion and leave you feeling relaxed and lengthened.
                                                               •  Avoid social isolation by embracing technology to stay
        •  Fitness should be fun! The more fun you're having, the   connected to family and friends. Our natural immunity
        less it will feel like work. The more you do something you   slows as we age, therefore it is important to keep lines of
        enjoy, the more likely you are to stay with it. The longer you   communication open.
        stay with it, the more accomplished you will feel and the
        more motivated you will become. Dance, hike, bike, go to   - Lauren Gerrish, Red Rock CC ISSA
        the park, go to the gym, swim—just whatever you're doing,   certified fitness trainer,
        have fun!

        -Amber Barton, Red Rock CC                             For additional Red Rock CC sports club and fitness info:
        certified personal trainer with UNLV degree in kinesiol-
        ogy and exercise science,

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