Page 92 - LVG&L Magazine Summer 2020
P. 92


        And everything includes helping workers find their way in   Variety is the name of the game at Island Sushi. It’s a din-
        the business world. Fong figures he’s had about 600 employ-  ing experience that will keep you coming back for more.
        ees over just the past 12 years. “It’s great to see them go on   For  now  it’s been  take-out only.  But  before  the coronavi-
        to have successful careers,” he said. And he has one former   rus pandemic, Fong gave patrons plenty of choices—from
        worker who really stands out. “He was an 18-year-old kid   breakfast to lunch, as well as dinner. Breakfast begins at 9
        named David,” Fong said. “His hair was all the way down to   a.m., with pancakes, French toast, Portuguese sausage, and
        the middle of his back and braided. His father came in with   Spam options.
        him and asked me to hire his son. I said if he was serious,   The lunch and dinner options are plentiful and filling. Don’t
        to cut his hair and come back and we would talk. He came   worry if someone in your group is not a big sushi fan, there
        back the next day with a crew cut and said, ‘Chef, I’m ready.’   is still a wide variety of items available for your family or
        I said I would give him a job and I did. He started as a run-  group. Plate lunches can include chicken, beef, pork, or
        ner and learned every station. When he left he traveled the   other choices.
        world working, but every year he sends a Christmas card.
        Now he’s an advanced sommelier. Remembering back now   And did we say options? Well, how about vegetable rolls
        brings back fond memories of a lot of those people who we   (eight different choices), regular rolls (11 varieties), baked/
        helped make their way.”                                fried rolls (six styles) and specialty rolls (a whopping 27

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