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neck of the woods | in the biz                              science behind grass and the quality of grass to produce superior tasting
                                                                  beef with good marbling. Another consideration is that when you pur-
                                                                  chase Box R Beef, you support your local rancher, local businesses, and
             Willie, Tucker, and Chase are an integral part of the operation, as   the local economy.
             well as awesome companions who sleep at the foot of their bed or
             sometimes on the bed. Nick and Kelsie rely on the dog’s instincts   There are great health benefits to eating grass-fed and grass-finished beef:
             and training to guide the cattle with as little stress as possible.   it reduces the risk of heart disease (less overall fat, lower levels of choles-
                                                                  terol, and can be just as lean as chicken with more protein per pound);
        Kelsie likes to tell the human element of their partnership—their love   it’s better for the environment (the regenerative agriculture style of pro-
        story. She was from Montana and going to college to become a civil   duction decreases greenhouse gas emissions, increases biodiversity of a
        engineer when they met. “From day one we knew we were each other’s   pasture’s ecosystem, improves quality of run-off water); allows safer con-
        person.” He invited her to his house for dinner, then took her outside   sumption (contains less bacteria, significantly reducing the risk of food
        to show her around. She commented on the grass and he cut a grass   poisoning); improves blood sugar; fights cancer—all resulting in peace of
        plug to show soil health. While some might consider that nerdy, Kelsie   mind knowing you are eating top quality, healthy beef.
        found it charming. One day down the road, Nick was acting funny, but
        she ignored him. She headed outside to feed her bottle calf, Penelope,   Box R Beef is available through stores, restaurants, and direct-to-con-
        a rejected twin (not an uncommon occurrence), and wondered why   sumer sales. It can be found at Phoenix Farmer’s Market, Rogue Meats in
        Penelope was wearing a pink collar. Tied to the collar with bailing twine   White City, Klamath Farmers Online Market (KFOM) in Klamath, and
        was a box that Nick had drilled a hole in, and inside, a ring. And the rest,   enjoyed at Lark’s restaurant in Ashland and Cocorico’s, located in the
        as they say, is history.                                  Green Springs Inn. Also, your kids may be able to enjoy Box R beef in
                                                                  school through the Farm 2 School program.
        Farming, whether crops or animals, is always a challenge. This year
        was more so due to the lack of water. In their area, authorities did not   “We are so honored to be able to provide you and your family with the
        notify landowners until late spring that they would not receive irriga-  highest quality grass-fed beef.” Nick and Kelsie Randall look forward to
        tion water. They moved the cows around more than usual, more than   working with and serving their communities for many years to come.
        they prefer. Speaking with the indomitable resiliency of a farmer Nick   Box R Beef
        says, “We made it work.”
                                                                  17575 Hwy 66, Ashland  |  541-482-1873  |
        Nick and Kelsie pride themselves on understanding and utilizing the

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