P. 54
neck of the woods | art
We Were hoping For
The Art of Inger Nova Jorgensen
leslee ryerson by darren field
hen prolific artist and performer Inger Nova
Jorgensen self-isolated because of the global pan-
demic, her work took on the poignancy of the times.
WAlready an accomplished painter, sculptor, vocalist
and songwriter, it’s not surprising the work she produced during the
pandemic is brilliant.
Inger was born of artists and has lived a life steeped in art since she
was a kid. Her mother, Alixandra, is a sculptor and painter. Inger’s
father, Peter, is a sculptor, draftsman, woodworker, leather worker, and
master builder. Inger’s early childhood was spent on a remote property
in Northern Michigan, where her parents were building a cabin that
became more of an art project, complete with sculptures protruding
from the Ferrocement exterior and a sun carved in the front door.
Whether it was nature or nurture, five-year-old Inger already showed
artistic talent and skill, drawing complex proportional figures set in
landscapes, in perspective. By high school, she took up oil painting and
continued to study painting and sculpture in university. She was selling
paintings by her early 20’s. Being surrounded by sculptor parents, it
was a natural transition from painting to 3D sculpture. Inger became
serious about it in the past decade, drawing serious interest from sev-
eral patrons and collectors of her work.
Just as the pandemic hit, Inger moved to a large private studio close to
her home, awash with light and gorgeous mountain views. While she
misses the rapport of sharing studio space, it became essential for her
productivity and focus to “really go within, by being able to work in
my own space.” That extra time and space was somewhat of a gift, as it
allowed her to focus, with “deeper introspection in such troubling times.
I am so grateful,” she says, “I had my art during these past two years as
it is such a comfort to me, like having a dear friend by my side. I can
always turn to my creativity, as it supports me in a way that nothing else
can. I always encourage people to find something to express themselves
in a creative way, as I believe that is one of the keys to inner wellness. “
The sculpting and painting filled a hole that was left by not being able
to perform. Inger is a professional singer/songwriter who works year-
round with her husband, famed musician and producer Jeff Pevar.
While they were able to perform a few live-stream shows from their
home during the pandemic (The Stone House, which previously had
live sold-out shows for over a decade), this was not their usual packed
touring schedule. They plan on playing additional live stream shows
52 | winter 2022