Page 48 - LVGL Magazine Spring 2021
P. 48




                                     A SECOND CAREER, A DREAM JOB

        Story by Bill Bowman                                   Woods and that really opened my eyes. Afterwards I called
        J         on Horschmann has finally  found the perfect   my father and told him ‘This kid is going to be something

                  career for himself. It just took him awhile to get
                                                               else…he’s probably going to be the greatest player ever.’ It
                  there—twenty years to be exact.
                                                               was about that time I decided to go to UNLV and major in
                  Horschmann, 47, spent 20 years in law enforce-
                  ment with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police   criminal justice.”
        Department. In 2018 he retired and went on the hunt for a   He graduated and then went on to spend 20 years in law
        second career. He knew golf would be involved, and now   enforcement. But during all that time, he was still infatu-
        he’s found his calling as one of the golf instructors at the   ated with golf. And now it’s paying off in a big way. “I just
        famed Butch Harmon School of Golf in Henderson.        started out as a coordinator for the Butch Harmon School of
                                                               Golf. I had run into Butch at a few events and found out he
        The only difference between Horschmann and thousands of   needed an assistant. After a year of grooming and training
        other golf instructors around the world is he came about the   he offered me the coveted position. I never dreamed my life-
        job just a little differently than most. OK, a lot differently.  long love of the game would grow into this.”

        Horschmann is a life-long Vegas resident, having gradu-  ‘This’ is the fact that after shadowing Harmon during a
        ated from Boulder City High School and then UNLV. He   majority of his instruction sessions, he’s now turned that
                                    started his golf path like   on-the-job training into a role as an instructor at the school.
                                    a lot of others—as a state   He’s having the time of his life. “I’ve just always loved golf.
                                    champion    while  play-   I love learning about the mechanics of the swing and help-
                                    ing at Boulder City High   ing players get better.” He added that working with Harmon
                                    School. But that’s where   is the perfect way to build on his love of the game. “If you’re
                                    the similarities come to a   going to say I want to be mentored by someone on how to
                                    screeching halt.           teach the game of golf, it would certainly be Butch Harmon.
                                                               It’s kind of like saying you want to go to the best school.
                                    “Luckily for me I real-    You’d pick schools like Harvard or Stanford.”
                                    ized pretty early on that
                                    I wouldn’t have the time   He said Harmon is nothing short of a master when it comes
                                    and dedication to play at a   to working with players. And that includes everyone from
                                    much higher level,” he says.   the pros to the high-handicappers. “He’s taught Greg
                                    “In fact, I played a junior   Norman, Tiger Woods, Dustin Johnson, and a whole lot
                                    golf tournament with Tiger   of other big-name players,” Horschmann says. “And these

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