Page 51 - LVGL Magazine Spring 2021
P. 51


        are all great players. But his work is so much more than   swing, you’re setting
        that. He’s worked with players of every level and just made   yourself up to fail.”
        everyone feel like they are the most important person he
        works with.”                                           Overall, Horschmann
                                                               said   this  second
        One other thing that stands out is Harmon’s approach to   career is everything
        players. “What’s funny is he can see what a player needs   he hoped for—and
        work on in about five minutes. He’s just that good. He then   more.
        works with them to fix the problems, but also spends time
        getting to know the players as well as telling a few stories.   “Some say ‘never meet
        And Butch has a whole lot of great stories.”           your heroes,’” he says.
                                                               “But I say if you are
        Horschmann has been like a sponge and soaking up as    really blessed you get
        much knowledge from Harmon and the staff as he can, but   them as your mentor
        realizes there’s still plenty more to learn. “Butch has been   and friend.”
        doing this—and doing this at a very high level—for a long,
        long time. And he still takes the time to make sure he’s giv-
        ing everyone the best advice he can. That says a lot about   Butch Harmon School of Golf
        the man.”                                              2651 Grand Hills Dr, Henderson
        And one of Harmon’s best lesson’s he’s picked up and uses
        in his daily routine? “A good percentage of my lessons deal
        with the setup. It’s amazing how much that will fix. Butch
        focuses a lot there. If you’re not setting up properly for your

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