Page 77 - Golfing Palm Springs Magazine 2022
P. 77

BELLATRIX RESTAURANT AT CLASSIC CLUB                                75-200 Classic Club Blvd., Palm Desert  DINING
                                                                               760-601-3690  |

            ellatrix  Restaurant, housed in the  A full service bar and luxuriously appointed  wines selected from renowned produces on
        BTuscan villa  themed  clubhouse,  sits  main dining room, surrounds a wood and glass  the American West Coast as well as examples
        as the crowned jewel on the perfectly  paneled wine cellar, housing some 2,248 bottles  from  Tuscany, Champagne, Burgundy and
        maintained  Arnold Palmer designed,  to be found on the Bellatrix wine list .  In this  Bordeaux .  Wines are carefully selected by
        championship golf course . Home to  elegant space diners can enjoy both lunch and  the  Food  and  Beverage  team  in  a  manner
        plentiful  wildlife  and  abundant  birds and  dinner . Bellatrix also provides a Wine Bar menu  that pairs with the cuisine, the demand from
        water  fowl,  the  grounds  offer  plenty  of  after 3pm featuring a variety of traditional and  diners and also for wine club members and
        visual interest for diners on the wrap around  experimental bar fare to compliment specialty  connoisseurs looking to open a once in a
        patio.    An  Audubon  certified  cooperative  cocktails and an extensive array of wines by  lifetime bottle .  The list also features some
        sanctuary, the  property  is  surrounded by  the glass . Chef Gerard and the culinary team  world class collectibles and noteworthy older
        several  mountain  vistas and transports the  use the  Wine Bar as a proving ground for  vintages .
        viewer to a unique desert oasis .  It is within  items in development with successful dishes
        this setting, that Chef Gerard Brunett, offers  making appearances at specialty dinners and  Finally,  Classic  Club  offers  several  event
        a menu of locally sourced, sustainable and  wine events .  Discounted pricing on cocktails  venues designed to cater to small groups
        organic ingredients .  Chef’s philosophy is to  and wine is offered during the Wine Bar hours,  looking for private dining all the way to large
        coax complex flavors from dishes without  allowing guests to sample a variety of domestic  events of up to 500 attendees .  The newly
        over manipulating ingredients, allowing the  and international libations . The Wine Bar is yet  remodeled  Constellation  room  offers  state
        quality of the main ingredients to shine .  His  another means of showcasing the wine list, a  of the art audio visual, a full service bar,
        new American cuisine with Mediterranean  feature that Bellatrix holds as a central feature .  large windows overlooking a fountain water
        and Asian influences are sure to appeal to  Boasting a  Wine Spectator “Best of  Award  feature  and  a  ficus  hedge  enclosed  private
        adventurous and traditional diners alike .  of Excellence,” the list offers more than 400  garden for an indoor-outdoor event venue .

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