Page 82 - Golfing Palm Springs Magazine 2022
P. 82

events  & groups

                                                                                                      Ashley LaPrade Photography

                              PGA WEST LA QUINTA                 La Quinta, CA
                                                                 760-564-7100  |

         GA WEST is an ornate venue located in La  PGA  WEST aims to create the most  a pre-wedding spa package, bachelor golf
      PQuinta, California . A hidden gem nestled in  memorable  event  weekend  for  couples,  outings, and more .
       the Coachella Valley, this property is idyllic for  families, and their guests .  All packages
       events and celebrations of all sizes . Presenting  include exclusive use of the event space,  Moving on to golf, PGA WEST is ready to
       surreal views of manicured fairways and  complimentary parking, an infused water  host your next golf event .  The pros have
       sparkling waters against the sweeping Santa  station, and signature lemonade upon arrival .  played these fabled links for over 35 years .
       Rosa  Mountains,  this  venue  offers  an  event  The property’s executive chef will infuse  Now it’s your turn . Tucked into the majestic
       destination that’s close to home .   delicious aromas into the venue, providing  mountains, this golf mecca boasts 5 resort
                                            delicious meals and treats on the day . PGA  courses and 4 private courses, each offering a
       PGA WEST boasts 12 unique venues to choose  WEST has the perfect location for your party  unique desert golf experience . Every course
       from,  including  five  clubhouses,  nine  golf  with  a blend  of  innovative  menus,  cuisine,  features multiple tee boxes for varying skill
       courses, and several indoor and outdoor event  and dedicated service in inspiring settings .  levels and spacious practice facilities . Unlike
       spaces .  With an array of options available,  With a recent renovation, many event sites  anywhere in the world, all of the course
       couples and families are sure to find the location  at  PGA  WEST  have  been  enhanced  and  architects represent the best of the best in
       that best serves their vision weddings and  expanded . PGA  WEST’s Greg Norman  golf:  Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus, Greg
       much more . Along with the main celebration,  Course has been expanded and leveled so  Norman, Tom Weiskopf and Pete Dye .
       the property can also host all wedding-related  couples can accommodate up to 200 guests .
       occasions, from the engagement and wedding                                Whatever the occasion, large or small, the
       shower to the rehearsal dinner and vow  The Knot, a top wedding-planning website,  events team will help coordinate every
       renewals . The expansive venue can host over  recently named PGA WEST to its list of the  element.  PGA  WEST  offers  an  unrivaled
       500 guests in multiple spaces, making it highly  13 Best  Wedding  Venues in Greater Palm  experience in course playability and beauty
       versatile and accommodating to all party  Springs . The Knot highlighted PGA WEST’s  as well as amenities and accommodations .
       sizes . Each clubhouse presents striking views,  picturesque  setting,  nine  golf  courses,  five  With 9 unique courses, they will help you
       delectable cuisine, and stylish decor that will  clubhouses, and ability to handle intimate  identify the perfect venue for your group’s
       keep guests mesmerized for the duration of the  events or functions up to 500 guests . Also  objectives and skill level—making memories
       special event .                      noted were  amenities  such  as  top  cuisine,  that will last a lifetime .

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