P. 24

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                                                                                B  O   O  K   P   I CK   S
                                                                                BOOK PICKS

                   You’ll Feel

             Right at Home.

          Mountain Meadows 55+ Community in

             Ashland... Come see it for yourself!

                                                                   HARDER THAN I THOUGHT, EASIER THAN I FEARED

                                                                   SPORTS, ANXIETY AND THE POWER OF MEDITATION

                                                                  BY BILLY HANSEN
                                                                     illy Hansen explains why he wrote this book detailing his personal
                                                                  Bjourney. “As an athlete in my sophomore year of college, I found
                                                                  myself miserable. Two years later, as a senior, I enjoyed the most satisfy-
                                                                  ing basketball season of my life. My path from depression and anxiety
                                                                  to joy and peak performance was somewhat unconventional. A thera-
                                                                  pist taught me to meditate, enabling me to face my problems instead of
                                                                  shrinking from them. By modifying my habits regarding drugs, partying,
                                                                  and my phone, and by reading meaningful books, I developed new atti-
                                                                  tudes toward both my sport and my life.

                                                                  “Since graduating, I’ve continued studying and practicing meditation,
                                                                  and now teach other athletes how to integrate mental training into their
                                                                  sports. I presently teach a course at Regis University called Mindfulness
                                       A 55+ Community            for Athletes, and I’m the meditation coach for the Regis Men’s Basketball
                                                                  and Baseball teams. I’ve worked with athletes at all levels, from high
                                                                  school to the NBA.”

                                                                   This book is about playing sports, overcoming anxiety, the practice of
                                                                  meditation, growing up, and discovering how to live well. It is perfect
                                                                  for a struggling athlete, a short, readable story about recovering skills
                                      857 Mountain Meadows Dr.    and love for sport.
                                       Ashland, Oregon 97520
                                          (800) 337-1301          Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Audible, and other online book sites.

                                      Voted America’s Best by National Council
                                           on Senior’s Housing.

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