P. 28

buzz | tidbits
                                                                               C  O   M   MU      NI   T  Y

                       BRITT MUSIC & ARTS FESTIVAL                  OVER $31,000 TO LOCAL NON-PROFITS

             WELCOME TO THE NEW PRESIDENT & CEO                              MEDFORD FOOD CO-OP

                                     he Britt Music &  Arts Festival
                                 TBoard of Directors is excited  to
                                 introduce its new President and CEO,
                                 Abby McKee, who will become  the
                                 new head of operations at Britt May 1.
                                 After eleven years, current President
                                 and CEO, Donna Briggs, is retiring.

                                 “Abby is the right leader for Britt. As
                                 we celebrate our 60th anniversary,
                                 returning to a full season of Britt
                                 Festival Orchestra and Britt Presents
        performances, Abby has the  experience, vision, and enthusiasm to
        take Britt to new heights. We are thrilled to welcome her to Southern
        Oregon,” said Britt Board Chair Dominic Campanella.

        “The Britt Music & Arts Festival is a cultural gem, presenting extraor-
        dinary arts in one of Oregon’s most beautiful places. The arts have
        never been  more important than they are right now. They provide
        us the opportunity to gather, celebrate, and  share experiences as
        a community,” said McKee. “I’m excited to work with the Board of
        Directors, Teddy Abrams, and the entire Britt staff in this role. It’s a
        huge privilege to serve this organization and the community through
        live music and performance.”

        McKee continues a successful career as a dedicated non-profit execu-  edford Food Co-op, Medford’s only community-owned gro-
        tive with 15 years of experience in program development, fundraising,  Mcery store dedicated to organic and natural products, sponsors
        and organizational leadership, and a strong focus on diversity, equity,   Medford Food Co-op’s Positive Change program to raise money for
        and inclusion, most recently as the Executive Director for the Portland   local  nonprofit organizations working to better our  community. In
        Baroque Orchestra (PBO). Part of her five years there involved the   2021, the program donated a total of $31,079.07 to eleven non-profit
        COVID-19 crisis, and she was able to see the PBO through success-  organizations. Since the program began in 2019, the Co-op has donated
        fully. She has also served as Executive Director of the Bach Collegium   a total of $89,568.24.
        San Diego and as Director of Cultural Events at Grace Cathedral in
        San Francisco.                                            The Positive Change recipient rotates monthly, each organization
                                                                  receiving 100% of the funds donated at the checkout, plus an addi-
        She also brings a strong music background to Britt. The daughter of two   tional  mini-grant from  the Co-op  ($300 per month  in 2021). The
        music educators, she attended the University of South Carolina on a full   Co-op believes in the power of change and the power of community.
        scholarship as a flutist. After earning her Bachelor of Music Magna Cum   Positive Change combines these two beliefs into one powerful pro-
        Laude in 2003, she continued her education at the Shepherd School of   gram. The Positive Change program is one of the many ways Medford
        Music at Rice University and the San Francisco Conservatory of Music,   Food Co-op fulfills the  seventh  cooperative  principle: Concern for
        where she completed her Master of Music in 2005.          Community.

        Britt Music & Arts Festival provides diverse live performances, an   The 2023 application for the Positive Change program is currently
        incomparable classical festival, and dynamic education programs that   available, and local non-profits are invited to apply before the deadline
        create a sense of discovery and community. Since its beginnings in   on January 31, 2022.
        1963, the non-profit organization has grown from a two-week cham-
        ber music festival to a summer-long series of concerts in a variety of
        genres, including a three-week orchestra season, and year-round edu-
        cation and engagement programs.

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