Page 54 - SOM_FALL_2020_FLIPBOOK
P. 54

neck of the woods | prof ile

                                                                                       about how we could intervene early and pre-
                                                                                       vent these kids from becoming street  kids
                                                                                       and to help build a healthy family for them.

                                                                                       CHRIS - We have to allow women to have
                                                                                       healthy pregnancies  and healthy deliveries.
                                                                                       We have to allow women to have their own
                                                                                       reproductive choices. We can’t continue to
                                                                                       say, “You need to lift yourself out of poverty,
                                                                                       but you have to have 12 kids.” It doesn’t

                                                                                       DOCTOR FRANKLIN SEEMS TO BE A
                                                                                       KEY FIGURE IN MAKING THIS ALL
                                                                                       HAPPEN. TELL US ABOUT HIM.

                                                                                       CHRIS - Some people say, “God doesn’t have
                                                                                       accidents, things happen for a reason.” When
                                                                                       we complete our service, we finish with a
                                                                                       brief safari. Dr. Franklin happened to be our
                                                                                       safari guide. “You guys are medical?” and we
                                                                                       said, “Yeah.” Then he said, “Yeah, I’m a doc-
                                                                                       tor too.” At first, we didn’t know whether
                                                                                       to believe him, but Franklin  is not only a
                                                                                       doctor, but an outstanding doctor, very well
                                                                                       trained. He could make more money as a
                                                                                       safari guide than as a doctor in Uganda. He’s
                                                                                       the one with the vision and the connections.
                                                                                       His dad was Minister of Education under Idi
                                                                                       Amin. Dr. Franklin is very savvy; he under-
                                                                                       stands the politics of education, the politics
                                                                                       of healthcare, and the politics of transform-
                                                                                       ing a country. Dr. Franklin had a vision for
                                                                                       how to make the medical clinic self-sustain-
                                                                                       ing. Our medical clinic charges those who
                                                                                       have the financial wherewithal and provides
                                                                                       free care to the others. Both Dr. Franklin and
                                                                                       Caleb Rukundo, with the children’s home,
                                                                                       are extraordinary leaders. They are working
                                                                                       to make Uganda a better place.

                                                                                       WHAT’S SERVES AS YOUR

                                                                                       CHRIS - I  think we  all want to make
                                                                                       Jackson County, Oregon, the United States,
                                                                                       or the world, a better place. When it comes
                                                                                       down to it, when we leave this world, that’s
                                                                                       what we’d like to leave. That is the inspira-
                                                                                       tion. Melinda Gates of the Gates Foundation
                                                                                       is inspiration. Father Gregory Boyle is inspi-
                                                                                       ration. Father Boyle spoke in Ashland a year
                                                                                       ago about his work to make the world a bet-
                                                                                       ter place. I knew he was on the right track
                                                                                       and I was inspired by him.

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