Page 62 - SOM_FALL_2020_FLIPBOOK
P. 62

neck of the woods | arts
                                                                                 Brynna Dean,  lead vocals, guitar,
                                                                                 tambourine and  songwriter for  the band The
                                                              “...TURNING        Shaky  Harlots  has  a  powerful, sophisticated
                                                                                 voice that transcends the garage rock genre.
                                                        NEGATIVE ENERGY          Accompanied by Laramie Crow (guitar lead and
                                                                                 rhythm, vocals and backup vocals, songwriter),
                                                        INTO SOMETHING           Andrew Peel (drums) and Casey Minnick (lead
                                                                                 guitar and back ground vocals). Fun fact: Casey is
                                                      GOOD—TURNING A             Tess Minnick’s brother.

                                                        PAINFUL MEMORY           Brynna has played guitar since she was 12, using
                                                                                 a penny for a guitar pic when she didn't have one.
                                                          INTO A BADASS          By age 14, she was writing original music and win-
                                                                                 ning her high school battle of the bands—quite an
                                                                 SONG.”          accomplishment for anyone remembering the bru-
                                                                                 tally emotional gladiator ring that high school can
                                                                                 be. Underdog triumph is what feeds her work—
                                                                                 inspired by “our struggles as humans and the rela-
                                                                                 tionships between them.” Brynna says she loves
                                                                                 “connecting through the experience of live music,
                                                                                 feeling the same feelings in the same room in the
                                                                                 same moment in time. Turning negative energy
                                                                                 into something good—turning a painful memory
                                                                                 into a badass song. Music is medicine.” Seeing a
                                                                                 Shaky Harlots concert can be just what the doctor

                                                                                 Find The Shaky Harlots on Instagram, Facebook, Spotify and all other
                                                                                 music streaming platforms.

                                                                                   Tess Minnick is a songwriter, singer,
                                                                                   bass player, dancer and the digital artist behind
                                                                                   the larger than life musical character and band
                                                                                   called The Giantess. For as long as she can
                                                                                   remember, her heart has been drawn to music,
                                                                                   art and performing. In her high school years
                                                                                   she formed bands with her friends (with little
                                                                                   to no musical training) and roamed the halls of
                                                                                   her school with sleeves of intricate self drawn
                                                                                   Sharpie tattoos. Fast forward  to after a long
                                                                                   career as a  professional ballroom  and  swing
                                                                                   dance instructor and competitor, Tess moved
                                                                                   to the Rogue Valley where she met her song-
                                                                                   writing partner and guitarist Rob Gunderson
                                                                                   in 2017. They quickly started performing and
                                                                                   writing music together and  created a  char-
                                                                                   acter, a show and dance band that’s become a
                                                                                   favorite act at local wineries and venues. Their
                                                                                   all original sets, Roots-Rock dance grooves and
                                                                                   nostalgic approach to storytelling makes for an
                                                                                   entertaining and unique show. Tess loves noth-
                                                                                   ing more to help people forget their troubles
                                                                                   and lose themselves in danceable music and a
                                                                                   good story.

                                                                                   Find The Giantess at
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