Page 58 - Southern Oregon Magazine Fall 2018
P. 58
neck of the woods | in the biz
Along with their growing family of customers, says Ron, their success lab-grown diamond hybrid Diamelia® Gem cost $1K versus $20K”
and longevity have also come with their willingness to embrace chang- says Ron, and both can deliver the same quality as a natural stone.
ing times; including their well-established e-commerce business that “People are surprised at how affordable they are.” It has meant an
keeps them in touch with customers old and new from around the explosive growth in the custom work for Gold and Gems’ team, and
world. they happily embrace the opportunity to help their customers find or
design the perfect piece.
They’ve also embraced technologies that ultimately serve their cus-
tomers better, like 3D renderings of custom designs that Ron describes “We are glad to be in a positive industry,” says Hansen. “What we do
as photorealistic. “These are really life-like. It takes the fear out of the gives people joy and, in turn, brings us joy as well.”
process for the customer.”
Most recently, industry changes in embracing lab-created diamonds, Gold and Gems
prompted by humanitarian, environmental and financial reasons, 25 North Main St., Ashland
have seen a huge increase in the custom work side of their business. 877-917-8477
“[Laboratory Grown diamonds] cost $8K instead of $20K and the
56 | fall 2018