Page 65 - Southern Oregon Magazine Spring 2020
P. 65


                             There Are A Million And One To Choose From!

                                                            by bryant helgeland

                                          Bryant Helgeland is the owner/operator of Mountain Provisions, on the Plaza in Ashland. Active in several
                                          outdoor sports (Telemark skiing, XC Skiing, Road and Mountain biking, Hiking, Backpacking, Kayaking), he has
                                          been a seminar speaker on many of those activities. He attended a NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School)
                                          semester trip to Chile shortly after college. During high school he was a counselor at YMCA outdoor camps.
                                          Contact him at or the store’s Facebook page.

                                What are you going to use it for? Day   friend of mine hiked miles of trail only to find out when they got into
                                  hiking? Backpacking? Travel? Particular   camp that night that the person carrying the tent had it fall off some-
                                   sports? There are a million and one   where on trail that day.
                                   packs out there. Some are general pur-
                                   pose while others are highly special-  WHAT SIZE SHOULD I GET?
                                  ized. Someone once asked me, “Which
                                 daypack do you use”? My response was,   Keep in mind that there are two different “sizes” to consider. First is the
                                  “That isn’t a fair question. I have 18 dif-  torso size of the person wearing the pack. Second is the volume of the
                                    ferent daypacks and each one has a   pack bag. The two have nothing to do with each other but both can be
                                    specific use and purpose.” Granted,   considered a size. Torso size is based on the distance between the top of
                                     not everyone is a pack geek like   your iliac crest and your C7 vertebrae. Pack volume is based on how
                                     me, but trying to find just one to   much stuff you need to carry and for how long. One thing lots of people
                                     fulfill all of your needs is prob-  overlook is that the only difference in what you need for an overnight
                                      ably impossible. Most modern   trip and a week-long trip is the amount of food you need.
                                      packs will share some common
                                      features like a hydration bladder   DO I NEED A FRAME?
                                     sleeve and some organizer pockets
                                       but there are way more features   That depends on how much weight you’ll be carrying and how comfort-
                                         that differentiate packs for   ably you want to carry it. A frame is generally going to make carrying
                                         specific  purposes. School/  weight much more comfortable as it will allow for proper distribution
                                         Urban packs will have a lap-  of weight on your body. A general guideline is that you should be carry-
                                         top sleeve and organizers spe-  ing roughly 75-80% of the weight on your hips. You will need a frame
                                       cific to charging cables, pens and   to be able to do this. Without the frame, 100% of the weight will be on
                              pencils, binders, etc. Snow packs will have   your shoulders!
        organizers specific to avalanche probe, shovel, sometimes for climbing
        skins, and will generally have a back panel made of fabric designed not to   WHAT ABOUT ALL THE POCKETS?
        collect snow and ice as well as a way to carry a helmet. Hiking packs will
        have a way to carry trekking poles. Bike packs will have a spot for a pump,   On a daypack or sport specific pack, pockets are a huge help to keep
        toolkit, spare tube, and a way to carry your helmet for the uphill climb.  things organized the way they should be. On a backpacking pack, pock-
                                                                   ets tend to get in the way and are a less efficient way of packing. For
        HOW BIG DOES IT NEED TO BE?                                backpacking, you want to pack everything through the top of the pack
                                                                   and cram everything in as tightly as possible. Your sleeping bag goes in
        That depends on how much stuff you need to put in it. Daypacks tend   first, then the tent (removed from the stuff sack), the cook setup and
        to be in the 10 to 30 liter range. I generally go for a slightly larger pack   food, then extra clothes, and finally puffy and rain gear at the very top.
        than I think I’ll need, because I prefer being able to get everything on   Miscellaneous stuff like headlamp, sunscreen, snacks, bug spray, and
        the inside rather than relying on having stuff on the outside of the pack.   first aid kit all go in the lid (brain) of the pack.
        When stuff is on the outside, you are much more likely to lose it. A

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