Page 104 - Southern Oregon Magazine Fall 2022
P. 104

chow | bake

        extraordinary. Her innovation and intuitive baking skills, together   cream, grilled corn, and peaches, is a sweet and savory dessert worth
        with experience, lifted her all the way up the culinary ladder. That   trying, while more familiar sounding confections such as a ricotta and
        ladder eventually led her to Executive Pastry Chef for numerous   blueberry tart offer a unique twist on what is familiar. Other goodies
        upscale restaurants.                                      include such deliciousness as the rosemary crepe cake that will cause
                                                                  the rejoicing of the tastebuds. Whether traditional or contemporary,
        Celebrity Chef, Anthony Bourdain has made an imprint on Kennedy,   palates everywhere will be pleasantly surprised by new tastes.
        and she credits him with having a huge influence on her career. She also
        acknowledges Chef, Author, and TV personality, Christina Tosi for her   Kennedy’s menagerie of pets, including chickens and dogs, has inspired
        ability to expand the limits of culinary crafting. This alignment with Tosi   her to launch Soph’s Snacks dog treats. Her love of animals, including
        has inspired Kennedy.                                     a “unique fascination with chickens,” has been the catalyst behind the
                                                                  development of this new bakery offshoot. Made from ten or fewer
        Kennedy can be viewed as a self-taught prodigy with a culinary alchemy   all-natural ingredients, these crunchy treats are destined to be popular
        that focuses on European-based bread and desserts. Baking comes natu-  too. According to dogs (and some people), these delicious high-quality
        rally for her and she says that she “puts a piece of [herself] into everything   goodies will have dogs everywhere beggin’ for biscuits.
        [she] makes.” She explained that when she bakes, “the world around her
        slows down” and provides a cherished and impervious space.   Herb and Flour Patisserie, LLC is a bakery is located at Over Easy
                                                                  Restaurant where Kennedy continues to push boundaries with creative
        As a chef with a contemporary view on cooking, she wants to broaden             culinary mastery. She hopes to eventually
        the palates of gastronomists while still keeping them “on their toes.” She      open a dedicated Herb and Flour storefront
        embraces the idea of combining unexpected ingredients for new tastes            but in the meantime, she will continue to
        that remain familiar. Having her own “massive sweet tooth” (citing cheese-      design from her soul with nostalgic foods,
        cake is one of her go-to desserts), helps Kennedy with her conceptions.         new tastes, and versed offerings.

                                                                                        Kali Kennedy
        From her masterfully crafted  monthly CSA pastry boxes  offering                Owner/Pastry Chef
        locally sourced ingredients and seasonal goodies to specialty items such        Herb & Flour Patisserie, LLC
        as custom orders, her pastries include savory sweet and multicultural           707-569-6645
        infused foods. With Chef Kennedy at the helm, the patisserie produces 
        some extraordinary mouth-watering masterpieces.

        The sweet corn tartlet, made of shortbread crust, sweet corn pastry

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