Page 99 - Southern Oregon Magazine Fall 2022
P. 99
“There is a reason why art has served as a
means of soulful self-expression for centu-
ries upon centuries. All forms of art, from
painting to dancing to music, are very per- My name is John Ray and I
sonal and emotional experiences – both represent Klick Solar.
for the artists and the viewers. While it is
a common experience to fall in love with After my active duty military time in
a certain artwork, scientists now have evi- Afghanistan, I wanted to come back to
dence that shows the brain reacts similarly Southern Oregon, start a family and find a
when viewing artwork and when fall- career that continued to give me a sense
ing in love. New research by Semir Zeki, of purpose. I feel I have accomplished
Professor of Neuroesthetics at University these goals. I have a beautiful family and a
College London demonstrates that view- purpose by providing my customers with
ing a beautiful work of art creates the same American-made solar panels from a
chemical response as love. Both experiences veteran-owned company.
trigger the feel-good chemical dopamine.
So, if you’re missing that special someone,
perhaps partake in a daily dose of art inspi- If you value family, Oregon, and
ration.” (Huffington Post May 18, 2011) As I American-made products and are
did research for this article, I was overjoyed looking to save money by owning your
to find the science behind why I love art so own energy, give me a call or email at:
much. I love going to art galleries and col-
lecting for my home. Little did I know that 541-295-2176
it was this amazing happiness dopamine
fueling this fire.
Having plants inside or simple cuttings in
water is another element to creating well-
being and health. It almost goes without say-
ing how desperately we need connection to
nature. Especially when we are stressed. As
you look at the flow of your home, go back
to the basics at the beginning of this article
and look at the scale and proportion, etc.
of your plants in a space. Remember, the
plants should lead you in and through. They
should keep things feeling open and light,
so don’t cover all the windowsills and block
the light. Use natural elements to establish
your goal of a beautiful flow inside your
I really enjoyed sharing these ideas for
Southern Oregon Magazine. The fact we have
chosen to live in this beautiful space is
indeed a blessing. And there is no better
time than the present to continue to focus
on our health and well-being, especially in
our homes.
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