Page 29 - Southern Oregon Magazine Fall 2022
P. 29

Regional is where families will welcome new babies, where children
         will receive specialized care and where families from across our region
         will  receive something precious that all  children deserve – hope,”
         says Andrea Reeder, vice president and executive director for Asante
         Foundation. “We’re so grateful for the Olsruds’ leadership and gener-
         osity for patients who receive care in Southern Oregon.”

         The Olsrud Family Women’s and Children’s Hospital will inhabit the
         top two floors of the new six-story pavilion at Asante Rogue Regional.
         For the first time, these floors will bring pediatric and women’s ser-
         vices into one, co-located area of the hospital. This includes new and
         expanded space for the following services:

            »  Pediatrics department

            »  Pediatric outpatient infusion clinic for children facing cancer and other

            »   The region’s only level III Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

            »  Labor and delivery

            »  Family Newborn unit

            »  Obstetrics

            »  OB Emergency Department

            »  Support programs and services, such as Child Life

         “Our hope was that our gift would become the second largest gift in
         Asante’s history,” said Dick and Mary Heimann. “I am so inspired that
         the Olsrud family made this commitment.” The Heimanns donated
         $5 million in 2021 to benefit cancer services at Asante, naming the
         Heimann Cancer Center in Medford. The AsanteForward capital cam-
         paign has surpassed the $45 million milestone as a result of this gift.
         “We’re getting close to the goal, but there’s so much need that we must
         keep going. I encourage everyone in the community to consider how
         they, too, can contribute what they can to AsanteForward. Whether
         a gift is $20 or millions, the need for life-saving services in Southern
         Oregon is critical to our growth and sustainability as a community, and
         everyone can make a difference,” adds Steve Olsrud.

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