Page 56 - Southern Oregon Magazine Fall 2022
P. 56

neck of the woods | in the biz

             mostly eliminates dependency on outside sources, other than for   people in this community,” he says. “The employees at Blackstone have
             supplies. They are able to print 10,000 hard cover books a day   been treated like an extension of the family, and we all take great pride
             and 20-25,000 paperbacks, accomplished in three work shifts.   in the tremendous accomplishments we have made together."

             As we walked through the production building, we viewed a   A few years back, doomsayers predicted that print books would disap-
        showcase wall proudly displaying numerous awards. We passed by a   pear from the landscape, replaced by electronic readers – that peo-
        massive soundboard, one of only a couple of its kind between Seattle   ple would prefer swiping a screen to turning paper pages. Blackstone
        and San Francisco. We stood in a large studio that allows actors to reen-  Publishing is proof that the answer is a resounding No! Their success lies
        act Oregon Shakespeare Festival’s current Shakespeare play, which is   in knowing there is room for both, and in being innovative and tuned
        recorded, complete with sound effects.                    to what readers want.

        Blackstone’s campus encompasses three main  buildings and several   Blackstone titles can be found wherever books and audiobooks are sold!
        storage buildings. One of their ongoing problems is the lack of space as
        the company grows. New buildings have been constructed, and more
        are on the drawing board. Total staff is about 225. COVID forced many         Blackstone Publishing
        to work from home and some of them will continue to do so. Some     
        may opt for a hybrid schedule, with others returning to the building.
        Processes such as shipping obviously must be done onsite.

        As we walked through various departments and observed people at
        work, I commented on the calm I sensed, of things flowing smoothly.
        Greg affirmed my assessment. "Having a successful family-owned and
        operated publishing business located in Southern Oregon that rivals
        many  of the  top publishers in NYC is  a testament  to the  amazing

                       Miguel Barker, PA-C             Mariana Cooper, PA-C           Tim MacCurdy, MPAS, PA-C

         VIC continues to offer state-of-the-art dermatology services, which includes medical, surgical and cosmetic service. We see the full
             range of skin conditions customary to the specialty. We are able to see most patients in 2-3 weeks, with or without referral.

          Dermatologic services are being offered at both our south Medford and Ashland offices by our providers, Mariana Cooper PA-C and

         Tim MacCurdy MPAS, PA-C. We are also now offering Orthopedics services, thanks to our provider, Miguel Barker PA-C, offers full,
         non-surgical, orthopedic care, injury care for acute phase injuries like fractures, sprains, and overuse injuries; as well as care for chronic
                                    conditions. Visit our website or call us to schedule an appointment.
                                                (541)-734-9030 �� ���.��������.���

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