Page 421 - MANUAL OF SOP WITH COVER- 04.12.2018
P. 421
Manual of OP for Trade Remedy Investigations
This Appendix is attached to and forms an integral part of the undertaking
submitted by Company M/s …………….. (Name: Producer/ Exporter, Country) to
the Director General of Trade Remedies, Ministry of Commerce, Government of
India on ……………(dated).
In accordance with paragraph 3 of the undertaking, the Company agrees not to
sell the subject goods to importers in India at prices lower than the prices stipulated
as follows:
i. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: ……………………………………..............
ii. PRODUCT (GRADE/ MODEL/SIZE) ……………………………………
iii. PRICE UNDERTAKING …………………………………………………..
All prices are quoted in ……………..(state the currency of settlement and the unit
of measure, if appropriate – also state terms of sale, for example, specify whether
prices are FOB, CIF, etc. and indicate location). The selling prices in the undertaking
mentioned above shall apply to shipments of the subject goods that are imported
into India (on or after the date of acceptance of this undertaking by the authority
or such other date as may be appropriate).
In witness whereof, the Company has hereto affixed its corporate seal, attested by
its duly authorised officer (s) on this _____________ date of ____________, _____.
(Name of the company)
Signature of witness Signature of authorised officer(s)
Name and title of witness Name and title(s) of authorised officer(s)