Page 423 - MANUAL OF SOP WITH COVER- 04.12.2018
P. 423

Manual of OP for Trade Remedy Investigations

                                            APPENDIX "C"
               This Appendix is attached to and forms an integral part of the undertaking
               submitted by Company …………….. (Name: Producer/ Exporter, Country) to the
               Director General of Trade Remedies, Ministry of Commerce, Government of India,
               on ……………….(dated).

               In accordance with paragraph 6 of the undertaking, the Company agrees to
               provide to the Authority invoice and/or the commercial invoice submitted to meet
               Authority’s invoicing requirements with respect to each shipment of the subject
               goods. The necessary information is as follows:
               •     Customer's order number and date of order;

               •     Product (Grade/Model/Number/Size etc.);

               •     Product description in sufficient detail to match the applicable description
                     of the subject good(s) found in the undertaking price grid in Appendix A'

              •      Terms and conditions of sale;
              •      Quantity  of  (product)  in  (unit  of  measurement)  for  each  (class/model/
                     number/size etc.); and

              •      Unit  price  of  the  (product)  in  (currency  of  settlement)  for  (class/model/
                     number/size etc.).
              In addition, the Company agrees to certify on each document:

              "These prices are in accordance with M/s ….………….(company’s name) current
              undertaking  accepted  by  the  Authority  for  Customs’  Authority,  Department  of
              Revenue, India, on ………….(date of acceptance by the authority)".

              In witness whereof, the Company has hereto affixed its corporate seal, attested by
              its duly authorised officer(s) on this date of, ….

                                                                   (Name of the company)
              Signature of witness                         Signature of authorised officer(s)
              Name and title of witness                Name and title(s) of authorised office

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