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Message from the Management

             As we know, the Malaysian Education               perpetuity. UNITEN aims to achieve
             Blueprint 2015-2025 (Higher Education)            cumulative endowment funds worth

             has highlighted that Malaysia will need to        of RM104 million by 2025 to support
             deliver quality higher education to almost        student aid, initiate pioneering research,
             twice as many students, if it is to fulfil the    develop stronger teaching programs,
             Ministry’s aspiration to provide greater          invest in new technologies,  and
             access to higher education. At the same           maintaining our Information Resource
             time, universities are also expected to           Centre (IRC), laboratories, and other
             strengthen their income generation                physical assets. To date, we are proud
             management through diversification of             to announce that our accumulated
             revenue streams, while staying focused            endowment fund is amounting to RM94.1
             on their core education missions. One             million.
             of the important sources of income                UNITEN has had another year of considerable growth

             that has been identified is endowment.            and achievement, consolidating our position both in
             We have successfully developed                    Malaysia and on the global stage. This is attributable to the
                                                               continuous guidance of our Chancellor, His Excellency Tun
             UNITEN Endowment Fund Ecosystem                   Dato’ Seri Utama (Dr.) Haji Abdul Rahman bin Haji Abbas,
             comprising Yayasan Canselor UNITEN                Head of State of Penang, generous support of our parent
                                                               company, TNB and the strategic direction provided by our
             (YCU), Tabung Amanah Zakat UNITEN                 Board of Directors. I offer my gratitude and congratulations
             (TAZU), Alumni Endowment Fund (ALEF)              to students, staff, alumni, community partners and other
                                                               stakeholders for the extraordinary level of commitment
             and Dana Wakaf Ilmu (DWI), which links            to spur UNITEN on to further heights of achievement.
             past, current and future generations              UNITEN will be an iconic institution generating creative,
                                                               innovative and energetic professionals leading discovery
             to support our educational mission in             for a better and brighter future.

             ANNUAL REPORT 2019 | Universiti Tenaga Nasional                                               9
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