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Message from the Management

           Academic and research are two powerful components that   With regards to research publication,
           shape a university’s future. Through its extensive experience
           in the field of education, UNITEN keeps improving its standard   UNITEN achieved the highest number of
           of academic and research through various initiatives. We are   publications at 1297 in 2019. For the first
           constantly striving to make UNITEN the preferred university
           to pursue one’s studies and develop one’s career.   time, UNITEN citation hits over 10,000 mark
                                                               which is not an easy feat to achieve, being

           With regards to academics development, the quality of   quite a young university. But through a
           teaching and learning experiences are of vital importance.
           Lecturers are provided with the opportunities to enhance   booming research culture and cultivation,
           their teaching and learning skills through continuous   we manage to excel. Our researchers
           professional development programs and platforms for
           intellectual discourse and experience sharing which include   continue to bid for proposals winning
           the training of current teaching skills and approaches namely   international grants, national and industrial
           Active Learning, Problem-Based Learning, Blended Learning
           and Adaptive Learning. Lecturers are also trained to be   grants bringing the highest percentage of
           up-to-date with using technology in teaching such as using   researchers at 84%. The national average
           Moodle LMS, Panopto and Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality   of principal researcher as benchmarked
           applications. Towards achieving academic excellence, we
           also provide learning support for students ranging from   by SETARA is 50%. Receiving international
           personal development to academic support needs. All the   recognition by the Royal Academy of
           courses are tailored to meet trending market needs and are
           monitored to comply with the Ministry of Higher Education   Engineering,  United  Kingdom  is  also
           (MOHE) requirements.                                a sweet success to UNITEN. UNITEN

                                                               researchers successfully secured 5 places,
           In terms of research, the establishment of five UNITEN
           Research Institutes (RIs) is the manifestation of its unwavering   winning an all-paid 2 weeks exclusive
           commitment towards research excellence, particularly in the
           energy domain.  The five RIs spearheaded by the professors   training in London for “Leaders in Innovation
           and researchers who are the experts in their respective   Fellowship” program. This is, undoubtedly,
           areas are the Institute of Sustainable Energy (ISE), Institute of   one of the testaments of continuous and
           Power Engineering (IPE), Institute of Energy Policy & Research
           (IEPRe), Institute of Energy Infrastructure (IEI) and Institute   consistent commitment from UNITEN
           of Informatics and Computing in Energy (IICE).  Through   researchers towards research excellence,
           these institutes, collaborations with the industries and other
           research institutions at both national and international levels   both in terms of quantity and quality.
           are strengthened further. Collaborations with the industries
           provide the opportunities for UNITEN to share the knowledge   Over  the years,  UNITEN has  undergone  remarkable
           and expertise it has with the industries in order to help them   transformations in pursuit of academic and research excellence.
           achieve their goals.  Successful collaborations with the   At UNITEN, we embrace the spirit of teamwork and togetherness
           international research partners on the other hand serve as   in order to achieve our vision to be a leading global energy
           the proof of its recognition and reputation at the international   university that shapes a sustainable future. Further to this,
           arena. UNITEN continues to receive awards and recognition.   UNITEN strives to produce future-ready and holistic graduates
           During ITEX 2019, UNITEN was awarded the Golden Medal   as well as academic and research experts who are committed
           Award, the highest recognition of the night for being the   to giving back to the university, the community and the nation
           institution with the most number of Gold Medals won by   as a whole. UNITEN will continue to empower its community in
           product inventors.                                  order to realize all these aspirations.

             ANNUAL REPORT 2019 | Universiti Tenaga Nasional                                               13
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