Page 72 - UNITEN AR19
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Research & Development
VG3S: A Natural Self-sustained
Development of Stabilization System for
Graphene-based Remote Terrain
Wireless Mobile Due to its location within tropical region, Malaysia receives tremendous amount
Phone Charger of rainfalls especially during monsoon season from October to February. During
this season, a general pattern in increased slope failures were recorded. This
has caused great loss to the nation in terms of financial and social wellbeing.
In Malaysia, the occurrences of recorded landslides and erosions mostly
This research, funded by NanoMalaysia occurred within Banjaran Titiwangsa where the highest peak is located at 2,183
Bhd., is to identify the type of filament and m above the sea level. Slope instability has been considered as one of the
semiconductor material which can be used main causes of transmission tower collapse. For example, a 33kV transmission
to fabricate graphene-based antenna. Other tower collapsed due to landslide in Pergau four years ago. This incident has
than that, it will establish the impedance resulted in RM1.5Million of monetary loss due to inability of power station to
matching method required to achieve the be operated. Meanwhile, on 28 February 2004, two towers had collapsed due
target parameter characteristic for graphene to slope instability within 275kV at the Segari - Ayer Tawar line where towers
antenna. Recommendation of the filament were built on steep slopes. The fallen towers have affected parallel tower
type and semiconductor material for next to it, causing tripping of the system and power disruption to certain areas
fabricating the graphene-based antenna and total direct cost for repair works was almost RM 4.2 Million. Therefore,
as to mitigate the potential abnormal maintaining the stability of slope is crucial to ensure continuous power supply.
volume resistivity and effective resistance However, most available repair work methods for slope instability problems
of the 3D printed structure as well as good require mobilization machineries where this may be viewed as a problem for
composite for sustainable conductivity along hazardous terrain and remote area. Thus, to achieve that, a solution such as
the transmission line, is one of the expected VG3S system which requires minimum maintenance works and self–sustain
outcome. will be an advantage to this problem.
ANNUAL REPORT 2019 | Universiti Tenaga Nasional 71