Page 87 - UNITEN AR19
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                                                                        My fondest memory of UNITEN is definitely the
                                                                        graduation day! It never fails to make everyone
                                                                        emotional, especially that final batch song when
               “UNITEN generates professional,” that was the          and friends are certainly valuable. I feel very
                                                                       everyone just sang their hearts out. UNITEN -
               UNITEN tagline during my time, it is quite catchy.
                                                                       moments  of  countless  laughter,  longest  chats,
               I have been ‘living’ with that motto now and
                                                                      and exquisite times shared with lecturers, staff
               it makes me chuckle every time I remember it
               as you can’t be more realistic than that (since I
                am now indeed a professional). I am proud to be       grateful to be part of UNITEN alumni fraternity.
                one of the alumni because I have now realised
                how much UNITEN subjects and extra-curricular
                activities have prepared me for my work life. If
                 I could turn back time, I would have appreciated
                 it more and studied harder.

                                                                   NASRUL FADHRULLAH ISA

                                                                   Program: Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics
                                                                   Engineering (Hons.)
                                                                   Year of Graduation: 2002
                                                                   College: COE
                                                                   Current Position: Technical Manager
              NUR ASIAH IZALIZA ZAINULLAH                          Company: Celcom Timur (Sabah) Sdn. Bhd.

              Program: Bachelor of Electrical Power
              Engineering (Hons.)
              Year of Graduation: 2012
              College: COE
              Current Position: Project Engineer
              Company: Mass Rapid Transit Corporation
              (MRT Corp.)

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