Page 57 - Williams Foundation Integrated Force Design Seminar
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Designing the Integrated Force: How to Define and Meet the Challenge?

            This process will be supported by the delivery of Performance Enhancement Program (PEP) mentoring /
            coaching and a tailored preparation and induction program for re-role candidates prior to commencing their
            Introductory Fighter Course (IFC) at 79SQN.

            “While still in their infancy, graduation numbers have been at historic highs with initiatives such as the PEP, fast
            jet trainee performance coaching/mentoring and 78WG Physical Conditioning and Injury Management
            Program (PCIMP).

            “ACG has undergone a cultural change in the way we train fast jet pilots – even down to the language used
            in our training manuals,’’ AIRCDRE Roberton said.

            “The current re-role paper based application process will be supplemented by a one week Fighter Jet
            Selection course to be held biennially at RAAF Base Williamtown,’’ he said.
            “78WG will also develop a re-role preparatory course to be conducted at 79SQN utilising the new LIFCAP
            Simulator and basic skills assessment, PEP assessment of key mental skills, exposure to daily squadron working
            environments and visits/exposure to OCU and Op Squadrons.

            “This will aim to familiarise successful re-role candidates with Pearce local area procedures, as well as refresh
            single pilot basics to a common level.

            “The scheduling of preparatory training at 79SQN will remove the reliance on external agencies to ‘prepare’
            trainees and therefore avoid the inconsistencies seen at present,’’ he said.

            “The course will include some back seat Hawk flying for familiarisation purposes. The preparatory course will
            be unassessed and can be tailored to the perceived training risks of the re-role candidate (for example,
            single pilot IF or formation basics dependent on trainee background).

            AIRCDRE Roberton said ACG intended to promote its changed processes, and would seek to raise awareness
            of these programs wherever possible throughout the recruitment and training continuum within Defence.

            Proud fast jet pilots graduate to fly F/A 18A/B Hornets
            Royal Australian Air Force Base Williamtown has graduated eight proud young fighter pilots to fly the F/A
            18A/B Hornet aircraft.

            Commander of Air Combat Group Air Commodore Steve Roberton said Australia’s new fighter pilots,
            including two exchange pilots, had worked extremely hard over the past six months and should be proud of
            their achievements.

            “This achievement is even more pronounced as 2OCU are about to graduate their third FA18A/B OPCON
            without loss of a trainee through failure.

            “Air Combat Group has put into place a training approach that uses concepts around ‘performance’ or ‘sports
            psychology’ to enhance fighter aircrew training.

            “This approach encourages fast jet aircrew trainees and instructors to learn about, and develop an
            understanding of the key mental skills for success in fighter aviation.

            “The program also utilises select flying instructors as Performance Coaches in order for them to assist trainees
            to develop their mental skills during lead in fighter training and operational conversion courses.

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