Page 4 - CATALOGUE FLIPBOOK - Interventions in practice
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INTERVENTIONS Interventions in Practice What does it mean to teach in a field that is constantly The exhibition showcases their work as artists and de- descriptions of components and fabrication processes,
FADA Gallery
IN PRACTICE Curated by Eugene Hön in flux and necessitates its own, regular overhaul? What signers to the university community and broader pub- display cabinets, elaborate plinths and vitrines, simple
labelling for photographic work that is better experienced
does it mean to make and teach, and is the one condi-
lic. It also provides an opportunity for them to have their
There is a set of terms that circle higher education in tional upon the other? What does it mean to practice and work accredited as creative research outputs through than explicated, and a generous and comfortable bench.
the creative arts, across disciplines. Common varia- study something that absorbs and reflects its environ- a peer-review process. Beyond these aims, the gal- The various installations offer moments of reflection
001 Title Page 039 BONGANI KHOZA 083 MARTIN BOLTON tions are: practice-based research, research-based ment and is hinged on current social, political, economic lery’s position within a learning institution performs a and in some cases, theses, on practices that are accom-
002 Table of Contents 041 Chapter Preface 085 Chapter Preface practice and practice-led research, and may also in- and cultural movements as well as those predating its unique role. Free from the constraints of a gallery that panied and augmented by commitments to teaching,
002 Introduction 042 Lamppost: 086 Rotational Casting Machine clude: practice as research or research as practice. creation and to come? What is the relevance of measur- responds or is accountable to the market, a university learning and the development of new knowledge.
Stasis & Movement 088 Artist's Statement They become increasingly prevalent as you work your ing and rewarding the products of this mercurial labour? gallery prioritises exploration and study. It provides a Martin Bolton presents his research into small-
048 Curriculum Vitae 094 Curriculum Vitae way through institutional structures, as a student and, How can a system of assessment be standardised across formal environment in which students and staff can scale manufacturing by leading the viewer end-to-end
or, lecturer. and between disciplines? present new knowledge through the application and through his process of design development, prototyping,
007 ALEXANDER OPPER 053 MARC EDWARDS 099 EUGENE HöN Though their use is relatively widespread, these In 2017, the Department of Higher Education (DHET) implementation of their work in a public setting. It is an pattern making, tooling and production. The work is a
009 Chapter Preface 055 Chapter Preface 101 Windstruck I terms (their order, relevance and definition) are dis- published its policy on the evaluation of creative research index or catalogue of current practices within the uni- proactive and outward-looking response to the limita-
010 20 Seconds 056 Looking Around 104 Artist's Statement puted and inconsistently applied to the fields of Art, outputs, to be implemented from 2019. This has enabled versity, with the practitioners on hand to illuminate the tions he has experienced as an industrial designer need-
015 Figure/Ground 058 Artist's Statement 109 Windstruck II Design, Architecture and their various offshoots. the work of creative practitioners in South African insti- knowledge they have generated. ing to produce and prototype cost-effectively on a small
018 Curriculum Vitae 064 Curriculum Vitae 112 Curriculum Vitae Broadly understood, they refer to the development tutions to be formally accredited and acknowledged as As is to be expected of a survey of work produced scale. Bolton models a way for designers and makers to
of new knowledge through creative processes and research, the outcome of years of lobbying by academics by artists and designers from a faculty with a unique- develop their own agency within the manufacturing pro-
023 DEIRDRE PRETORIUS 069 THATO RADEBE 118 Exhibiting Artists the interpretation of the outcomes of these process- in the arts across the country. ly interdisciplinary approach, Interventions in Practice cess through innovative, low-cost, custom-made ma-
025 Dead Living Things 071 Chapter Preface and Designers es. They exist as part of a system of measurement in Interventions in Practice features the work of eight has an eclectic character and doesn’t seek to unify or chines and jigs, including a rotational casting machine.
028 Artist's Statement 072 Adorned by Nature 120 Acknowledgements creative practice, a way of validating innovative and academic staff members from the Faculty of Art Design condense the practices on display. The various media The latter, along with a small 3D printer has enabled him
034 Curriculum Vitae 074 Artist's Statement 121 Postface subjective works and media in an institutional setting. and Architecture (FADA). These include, Eugene Hön include: photography, jewellery, industrial design tools to side-step the practical and economic constraints of
078 Curriculum Vitae This system of measurement and the terms that ac- (gallery director and curator of this exhibition), Alexander and products, ceramic transferware, an artist’s book large-scale industrial production. Bolton’s presentation
company it, attempt to answer a series of questions: Opper, Bongani Khoza, Deirdre Pretorius, Khanya Mtheth- and installation. Each series of works is contextualised reflects an ethos that is especially relevant to students
wa, Marc Edwards, Martin Bolton and Thato Radebe. according to its respective demands, with detailed and recent graduates but has implications for the sus-
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