Page 48 - RY2020-21 Handbook Rotary District 3300
P. 48
The District Finance Committee shall safeguard all assets and funds of the District by reviewing and studying the amount of the per capital levy and
necessary expenses of District Administration and prepare an annual report on the status of the District Finances for the District Assembly / Conference.
The District Treasurer shall serve as Chairman of the Committee
· Prepare a budget of the District Expenditure in cooperation with the District Governor to be submitted to the Clubs at least four weeks prior to the
District Assembly for approval at a meeting of Incoming Club Presidents at the said Assembly.
· Review and recommend the amount of per capital levy for approval in accordance with RI bylaws section 15.060.2
· Ensure that proper records of income and expenditures are kept.
· Ensure that the Accounts of Rotary International District 3300 (Malaysia) Berhad are duly audited before presenting for adoption in the Company’s
· The treasurer, shall, together with the District Governor and the District General Secretary, be a signatory on the bank account held in the name of the
· The District Treasurer shall act as a Director of “Rotary International District 3300 (Malaysia) Berhad” and carry out his/her duties dilligently.
a. Maintain proper records of Income and Expenditure of all District Funds.
b. Receive Club Dues and other monies due to the District, issue official receipts for the same, and disburse monies and carry out financial transactions
on behalf of the District on the instructions of the District Governor and the advice of the District Finance Committee.
c. Remind Clubs of the status of their RI and District Dues and encourage timely payments.
d. Prepare the Statement of Accounts for audit within 3 months of the close of the Rotary Year. Ensure that the final statement of accounts are circulated
to Clubs and the District Audit committee before the accounts are audited. Ensure the duly audited accounts
are tabled at the AGM of the Rotary International District 3300 (Malaysia) Berhad for adoption.
RY2020-21 District Handbook 48