Page 92 - RY2020-21 Handbook Rotary District 3300
P. 92
The District 3300 Rotary Centre at Room B-5-09, Kelana Square, Kelana Jaya, Petaling Jaya was purchased during the tenure of Past Governor Datuk Dr Mohinder Singh
through the funds raised from Rotary Clubs and Rotarians.
The Objective of the District 3300 Rotary Center is to enable our district 3300 with an office to keep all our records as well as a venue for club/district meetings as well as
Rotaract/Interact meetings/activities.
· The center has tables, chairs, rostrum, flip charts, Rotary bell etc for Rotary Meetings to accommodate a maximum of 30 persons with a PA system, a TV screen for
power point presentations.
· The center has a fridge, hot plates can serve as a convenient and economical venue for Rotary Clubs’ weekly meetings.
· The center is equipped with Rotary materials for sale to the clubs and Rotarians.
· The center can be the venue for keeping the RI materials of our District 3300.
District 3300 Rotary Centre Committee
· The District 3300 Rotary Centre consisted the District Governors, District Secretaries and each of the Governor’s District Rotary Centre Reps. appointed by the Governor
for each year.
· The Chairman of the Management Committee shall be the Governor’s District Rotary Centre Representative appointed by the Current Governor.
· Currently, the District 3300 Rotary Centre is Chaired by PDG Dr Paul Lee who was appointed by the PDGs’ Council for 3 years from 2018-2021.
· AG Raja Renno has been appointed as the Governor’s Rep by all the three succeeding Governors
Duties of the Management Committee. The Management Committee shall :-
· Provide a set of policies on renting and usage of the center
· Devise a system on loan of items.
· Ensure regular payment of Internet / Electricity / Water bills
· There shall be a bank account for the “District 3300 Rotary Center” to allow collection on rental of premise and payment for water, electricity, telephone, quit rent,
assessment and any other petty cash
· Facilities of Centre - The Center is open to be rented by Clubs or Rotarians at a small fee
· Loan of Rotary materials and responsibilities
· Items loaned from Rotary Center must be accompanied by a security deposit of RM500. The deposit will not be banked in unless the item is not returned on date as
· Loan items must be returned not later than one month from date of loan failing which the Security Deposit shall be forfeited.
RY2020-21 District Handbook 92