Page 2 - HSP-Assure Test Booklet FDA Auth Booklet - FINAL 7_2020
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w  w  w  . H  E N  S L E R  S U  R  G  I C  A  L . c o m


      IgG/IgM Rapid


                                                                       [ HOW TO PERFORM TEST ]
        The   COVID-19        IgG/IgM      Rapid
    Result    Test    is  a 1 5 -minute nstant
                                                                                                           Step 3
                                                                   Step 1                 Step 2
     point-of-care       test    device     for  the               Drop  of whole blood   Drop of buffer   Wait for results
     qualitative      detection       of  IgG   and
          IgM   antibodies       specific    to                                                                    1 5 M  u n i t e s

    2019-nCoV         in  human     whole     blood,
        serum     or   plasma     specimens.
                                                                                 [ RESUL TS ]

                                                                  INVALID             POSITIVE           NEGATIVE

    Benefits of our Rapid Result Test:
    - Easy operation for Medical Professionals
    - No special equipment
    - Works with whole blood, serum, and plasma
    - Tests for 2 antibodies simultaneously
    - Instant field screening
    - 98% + accuracy

    - Results within 15 minutes
                                                                            [ INTERPRETATION ]

                                                            Resu lts            Interpretation
              Hensler Surgical Technologies                 IgM+VE, IgG+VE      Suspected recent infection of 2019-nCoV
              2420 South 17th Street, STE C
                                                            IgM+VE,  IgG-VE     Suspected recent infection of 2019-nCoV
              Wilmington, NC 28401  USA
                                                            IgM-VE , IgG+VE     Suspected past  infection of 2019-nCoV
            (w) 910.399.7380  (f) 910.399.7381
              (e)                 IgM-VE, IgG-VE      Antibody undetected OR low IgG/IgM level
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