Page 5 - HSP-Assure Test Booklet FDA Auth Booklet - FINAL 7_2020
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in the specimen. Therefore, any shade of color in the test region should be considered positive.   3. Authorized laboratories that receive your product will notify the relevant public health authorities of   Combined Sites (Serum +
                       Note that this is a qualitative test only, and cannot determine the concentration of analytes in the   their intent to run your product prior to initiating testing.   105        105       100%    96.5%-100%
                       specimen.                                                          4. Authorized laboratories using your product will have a process in place for reporting test results to  Blood)
                 2.    Insufficient specimen volume, incorrect operating procedure or expired tests are the most likely   healthcare providers and relevant public health authorities, as appropriate.
                       reasons for control band failure.                                  5. Authorized  laboratories will collect information on the performance of  your product and report to
                                                                                          DMD/OHT7-OIR/OPEQ/CDRH(via email:  Assure Tech
                                           QUALITY CONTROL                                (Hangzhou Co., Ltd). (via email: any suspected occurrence of false reactive or   Table 3. IgM PPA for the Assure COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Device
                                                                                          false non-reactive results and significant deviations from the established performance characteristics of
                 Internal Procedural Controls                                             your product of which they become aware.                                                           # PCR     Assure COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test
                 The Assure COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Device has built-in (procedural) controls. Each test device   6. All laboratory personnel using your product must be appropriately trained in immunoassay techniques   Days post
                 has an internal standard zone to ensure proper sample flow. The user should confirm that the blue band   and use appropriate laboratory and personal protective equipment when handling this kit and use your   Site   symptom   Positive   Device
                 should be always located at the “C” region before testing, and the red band should be always present   product in accordance with the authorized labeling. All laboratory personnel using the assay must also be   at any
                 before result interpretation.                                            trained in and be familiar with the interpretation of results of the product.             onset               #Positive   PPA      95%CI
                 External Positive and Negative Controls                                  7. Assure Tech. (Hangzhou Co., Ltd),  authorized distributors, and authorized  laboratories using  your  time   Results
                 Good laboratory practice suggests testing positive and negative external controls to ensure that the test   product will ensure that any records associated with this EUA are maintained until otherwise notified by
                 reagents are working and that the test is correctly performed.           FDA. Such records will be made available to FDA for inspection upon request.               ≤7        8          8         100%   67.6%-100%
                                                                                          *The Letter of Authorization refers to, “Laboratories certified under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement
                                        LIMITATIONS OF THE TEST                           Amendments of 1988 (CLIA), 42 U.S.C. §263a, that meet the requirements to perform moderate or high                                 62.1%-
                 For use under an Emergency Use Authorization Only                        complexity tests” as “authorized laboratories”.                            (Site 1+3+4)   8-14       15         13       86.7%     96.3%
                 1.   Use of the Assure COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Device is limited to laboratory personnel who   PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS                        Serum
                      have been trained. Not for home use.                                                                                                                                                                   65.3%-
                 2.   The Assure COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Device is for in vitro diagnostic use only. The test   Clinical Evaluation                                             ≥15        25         21        84%
                      should  be used  for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies  in whole  blood, serum or plasma                                                                                                          93.6%
                      specimens only. Neither quantitative value nor the rate of  increase  in SARS-CoV-2 antibody                                                                   ≤7        1          1         100%   20.7%-100%
                      concentration can be determined by this qualitative test.           Study I                                                                      (Site 2)
                 3.   The Assure COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Device is not validated for finger stick blood.   Total of 61 positive and 105 negative serum or venous whole blood samples were collected at 4 different   Venous Whole   8-14   3   3   100%   43.9%-100%
                 4.   The Assay Procedure and the Interpretation of Assay Result must be followed closely when testing   study sites. These samples were tested with both RT-PCR method for SARS-CoV-2 infection and Assure
                      for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus specific antibodies in the serum, plasma or whole blood   COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test device for antibodies. The obtained sensitivity and specificity results are   Blood   ≥15   9   9   100%   70.1%-100%
                      specimen  from  individual subjects. For optimal  test performance, proper sample  collection  is  summarized in following tables.
                      critical. Failure to follow the procedure may give inaccurate results.   Table 1. IgG PPA for the Assure COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Device   Combined Sites
                 5.   Reading test results earlier than 10 minutes after the addition of Buffer may yield erroneous results.                                                                                                 80.2%-
                      Do not interpret the results after 20 minutes.                                                 # PCR     Assure COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test     (Serum +       -         61         55       90.2%
                 6.   The Assure COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Device will only indicate the presence of SARS-CoV-  Days post                                            Blood)                                                95.4%
                      2 antibodies in the specimen and should not be used for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2.          Positive              Device
                 7.   In the early onset of symptom, anti-SARS-Cov-2 IgM and IgG antibody concentrations may be  Site   symptom   at any
                      below detectable levels.                                                             onset               #Positive
                 8.   A  high dose  “hook effect”  may occur where the color  intensity of test band decreases as the  time                PPA       95%CI        Table 4. IgM NPA for the Assure COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Device
                      concentration of anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG/IgM increases. If a “hook effect” is suspected, dilution of          Results
                      specimens may increase color intensity of the test band.                                                                       52.9%-                                            Assure COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test
                 9.   Results from immunosuppressed patients should be interpreted with caution.            ≤7         8          7        87.5%
                 10.  As with all diagnostic tests, all results must be interpreted together with other clinical information                         97.8%                                   # PCR                Device
                      available to the physician.                                            (Site 1+3+4)                                                                    Site
                 11.  Negative results do not preclude SARS-CoV-2 infection and should not be used as the sole basis                                 62.1%-                                 Negative   #Negative
                      for patient management decisions, IgM antibodies may not be detected in the first few days of  Serum   8-14   15   13   86.7%                                                    Results     NPA       95%CI
                      infection; the sensitivity of the Assure COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Device early after infection                              96.3%
                      is unknown. False positive results for IgM and IgG antibodies may occur due to cross-reactivity   ≥15   25   25      100%    86.7%-100%             (Site 1+3+4)                                       92.7%-
                      from pre-existing  antibodies or other possible causes. Samples with positive results should be                                                                         96         94        97.9%
                      confirmed with alternative testing method(s) and clinical findings.     (Site 2)      ≤7         1          1        100%    20.7%-100%               Serum                                            99.4%
                 12.  A  negative result can occur  if the quantity  of the anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies present  in the
                      specimen is below the detection  limits of the assay, or the antibodies that are detected are not  Venous Whole   8-14   3   3   100%   43.9%-100%    (Site 2)
                      present during the stage of disease in which a sample is collected.                                                                                                      9         9         100%    70.1%-100%
                 13.  Positive results may be due to past or present infection with non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains,   Blood   ≥15   9   9   100%   70.1%-100%      Venous Whole Blood
                      such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E.
                 14.  Results from antibody testing should not be used to diagnose or exclude SARS-CoV-2 infection   Combined Sites                                  Combined Sites (Serum +   105       103       98.1%     93.3%-
                      or to inform infection status.                                                                                                 86.5%-                 Blood)                                           99.5%
                 15.  Not for the screening of donated blood.                                (Serum +        -        61         58        95.1%     98.3%
                 The sensitivity of the test is impacted after being open for one hour-the intensity of the T line becomes                                        Study II: Independent Clinical Agreement Validation
                 weak. Testing must be performed within one hour after opening the pouch.                                                                         The COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Device from Assure Tech. (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. was tested on 2020-
                                                                                          Table 2. IgG NPA for the Assure COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Device      06-15 at the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR) sponsored by the National
                 Conditions of Authorization for the Laboratory                                                                                                   Cancer Institute (NCI). The test was validated against a panel of previously frozen samples consisting of
                                                                                                                               Assure COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test
                 The Assure COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Device Letter of Authorization, along with the authorized                                                 30 SARS-CoV-2 antibody-positive serum samples and 80 antibody-negative serum and plasma samples.
                                                                                                                                                                  Each of the 30 antibody-positive samples was confirmed with a nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT)
                 Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers,  the authorized Fact Sheet for  Recipients, and  other  authorized   # PCR          Device                  and both IgM and IgG antibodies were confirmed  to be present in all 30 samples. The presence  of
                 labeling are available on the FDA website:  Site                                       antibodies in the samples was confirmed by several orthogonal methods prior to testing with the Assure
                 2019-covid-19-emergency-use-authorizations-medical-devices/vitro-diagnostics-euas.                 Negative   #Negative                          COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Device. The presence of IgM and IgG antibodies specifically was
                 Authorized laboratories using the Assure COVID-19 IgG/IgM Rapid Test Device (“your product” in the                        NPA      95%CI         confirmed  by one or more comparator methods. Antibody-positive samples were selected at different
                 conditions below), must adhere to the Conditions of Authorization indicated in the Letter of Authorization    Results                            antibody titers.
                 as listed below:
                 1. Authorized laboratories* using  your product will  include the test result reports, all authorized Fact  (Site 1+3+4)   96   96   100%   96.2%-100%   All antibody-negative samples were collected prior to 2020 and include: i) Seventy (70) samples selected
                                                                                                                                                                  without regard to clinical status, “Negatives” and ii) Ten (10) samples selected from banked serum from
                 Sheets. Under exigent circumstances, other appropriate methods for disseminating these Fact Sheets may   Serum                                   HIV+ patients, “HIV+”. Testing was performed by one operator using one lot of the Assure COVID-19
                 be used, which may include mass media.
                 2. Authorized laboratories using your product will use your product as outlined in the Instructions for Use.  (Site 2)                           IgG/IgM Rapid Test Device. Confidence intervals for sensitivity and specificity were calculated per a
                                                                                                                                                                  score method described in CLSI EP12-A2 (2008).
                 Deviations from the authorized procedures, including the authorized clinical specimen types, authorized   9     9        100%     70.1%-100%     For evaluation of cross-reactivity with HIV+, it was evaluated whether an increased false positive rate
                 control materials, authorized other ancillary reagents and authorized materials required to use your product   Venous Whole Blood
                 are not permitted.                                                                                                                               among antibody-negative samples with HIV was statistically higher than the false positive rate among
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Revision 1.2 Effective  date: 2020-07-06  Page  2/3
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