Page 5 - Montessori At Home Practical Tips for Parents
P. 5

 Tip 2:
Observation: Take time to observe.
Practical Tips for Parents
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Formal observation is meant to be analytical and free from opinion or judgement. While observing, remain separate from the child and use the time to collect data in order to support yourself and your child in the Montessori journey.
What is your child working on? How long is the engagement?
What happens when the work is complete? Does your child return it to the shelf? Push in chairs? Sit and wait? Destroy or dismantle?
How does child interact with other children? With adults? With the work? Is it purposeful?
What level of concentration do you see?
How independent is the child between activities? Does the child remain engaged, moving from activity to activity? Does child repeat? Does child choose a variety of activities?

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