Page 4 - KLA Girls Basketball ebook
P. 4
May 5, 2019
Vesa loves to
lay asket all
And s e gives
reseason s e
loves t e long
runs and
al ays seeks to
im rove er
time ! ile on
t e court s e
la ors diligently
to im rove er
skills and er
" e is t e
coac #s $go to
defender % &f e
need to ave t e A lying ressure
all stolen Vesa
Vesa eating t e lock is t e one to
om e go
&t is fun to
atc Vesa#s
intensity and
' on#t tell
anyone… er
favorite s ot is
t e corner …
eit er side (
A family matter…guarding cousin Aldin
Vesa receiving encouragement during a key moment