Page 2 - November Newsletter
P. 2


                                                     BRIAN SIMPSON

                                                GENERAL MANAGER

    First off, I would like to welcome Eileen

    Ruggeri - Coccia and Sil Coccia to the club.


    The club and community had a very interesting month of October with the

    planned PG&E power shutoffs.  I would like to commend Stacy Wallace and his

    crew for being extremely proactive during the two planned shutoffs.  They not

    only were they able to maintain the course during the outages but during the

    second outage they were able to finish up aerification which was a huge

    undertaking. We are now hoping for some rain to put an end to the fire season.


    Thank you to all who came to the Havana Nights dinner dance this past month,

    it was great to see so many in attendance. This month brings the much

    anticipated sold out Saxon Brown wine dinner which filled up very quickly!


    Mark your calendars for two upcoming events this December.  The Holiday

    Dinner Dance is on Saturday, December 7th, this is one of the biggest and most

    anticipated events of the year so we hope to see you and your guests there.  We

    are also looking forward to the annual Breakfast with Santa on Sunday,

    December 15th, bring your children or grandchildren for brunch and a morning

    of holiday fun.

    I look forward to seeing you at the club.

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