Page 4 - November Newsletter
P. 4


         The Member Member was played on October 5th with both the men and

          women playing on the same day.  Congrats to Mike Mertens and George

     Studdert on their victory, the runners up were Jerry Igra and Jeff Spagnola. Low

   gross went to Mike Mertens and George Studdert with 68 & low net went to Lynn

    Barr and Ron Fedrick with 64.  Valerie Walter & Susan Smartt won low gross with

                          87 and low net went to Sydnie Kohara and Lily Hu.

                           CHAMPIONS & LOW GROSS

                                        Mike Mertens & George Studdert

                                              RUNNERS UP

                                         Jerry Igra &  Jeff Spagnola
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9