Page 2 - ROOT Jan Feb 24
P. 2

SEAsonal highLIghts:

        ’Tis the season of cold and flu. In a perfect   Consume inflammation-fighting foods.
        world, we would live and work in sterile   Reducing inflammation in the body improves
        environments. Unfortunately, the reality is   many bodily functions, including the immune
        that during the colder months, we’re crowded   response. Eating foods that fight inflammation,
        inside heated places without much ventilation.  such as garlic, turmeric, olive oil, and avocados,
                                             strengthens your body’s defenses.
        The best way to protect ourselves against the
        viruses that cause common winter illnesses   There’s no foolproof way to stay healthy,
        is by keeping surfaces and hands clean and   but the best offense is a good defense. A
        strengthening our immune systems. Besides   strong immune system is the best way to
        washing our hands properly, here are a few   fight winter ailments.
        realistic ways to pump up our body’s natural
        defenses:                            Source:
        Eat foods rich in omega-3 fats, such as
        mackerel, chia seeds, and walnuts.   your-immune-system/
        Take in probiotics. The microbes that
        live in the gut support the immune system.   hometown-health/speaking-of-health/fight-off-the-
        Supplements and fermented foods like kefir,   flu-with-nutrients
        sauerkraut, and yogurt are great sources of

                                             pROduce pick: CHICKPEAS
                                             The chickpea is one of the earliest cultivated   or mash them for dishes like falafel, hummus,
                                             legumes. The most common types are round   or burgers. Roasted chickpeas also make a
                                             and beige, but there are also black, green, or   tasty standalone snack.
                                             red varieties. Chickpeas, or garbanzo beans,   Before eating chickpeas, wash, soak, and
                                             are protein-rich and popular in Mediterranean,   cook them, as raw chickpeas may contain
                                             Indian, and Middle Eastern foods.
                                                                                  hard-to-digest compounds. If you’re short
                                             Chickpeas are rich in folate, manganese, fiber,   on  time,  canned  versions  are  convenient.
                                             and protein. Because of the fiber and protein   Those watching their salt intake can opt
                                             in chickpeas, these legumes can regulate   for  a low-sodium version  or  rinse canned
                                             blood sugar levels, aid digestion, and reduce   chickpeas to reduce salt content.
                                             risks for chronic diseases like heart disease,   Source:
                                             certain cancers, and type 2 diabetes.
                                             Chickpeas offer diverse ways to enjoy them.   articles/280244#risks
                                             Their high protein content makes them an
                                             excellent  choice  for  vegetarians  and  vegans   chickpeas-nutrition-benefits#TOC_TITLE_
                                             who may need more of this nutrient. You can   HDR_10
                                             include chickpeas in salads, soups, and stews
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