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Nutrition NOte:

 Spice It Up: TAHINI

        Like bears, many of us become less active in   throughout the day, can reduce the risk of
        the winter. This downshift in activity hinders   heart disease by 20%.
        people focused on maintaining heart health.   BERRIES
        The good news is that there are many things
        we can eat to improve our heart health all   Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and
        year long.                           blackberries are filled with antioxidants, which
                                             lower the risk of heart disease and improve
        GOOD FATS                            the performance of cells lining blood vessels.
        Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats   If fresh ones are difficult to find, opt for
        help stabilize heart rhythms and lower LDL   frozen ones.
        cholesterol. Olive oil, avocados, sesame and   GREEN TEA
        pumpkin seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, and
        pecans are good sources of monounsaturated   It’s nice to cradle a mug of green tea on cold
        fat.  Flaxseed,  walnuts,  and  corn  oil are   winter days and sip away the afternoon. This is
        bursting with polyunsaturated fat.   not only soothing, but it’s also good for your
                                             heart.  Green  tea  contains  polyphenols  and
        Omega-3 fatty acid is a powerful poly-  catechins that reduce LDL cholesterol, lower
        unsaturated fat. It reduces the risk of cardio-  blood pressure, and reduce total cholesterol.
        vascular problems and depression. Plus, it
        helps lower levels of total cholesterol, blood   You should take care of your heart year-round.
        pressure, and fasting blood sugar. You get   If you’re not moving as much as you want, you
        high doses of omega-3 fatty acids in salmon,   can always eat your way to good heart health.
        mackerel, tuna, and supplements.     Source:
 spotlight on superfOOds:    A few servings of whole grains, such as   healthy-foods
 TART CHERRY JUICE  quinoa, wheat, brown rice, oats, and barley,   what-should-you-eat/fats-and-cholesterol/types-of-fat/

        On The Rise: MAGNESIUM
        It may not get the same attention as vitamin   important for the mind. Stress destroys
        C  or  antioxidants,  but  magnesium is a   magnesium, which increases the chances
        fundamental building block for good health.  of depression and stress-related disorders.
                                             Plus, magnesium can reduce the severity of
        Magnesium’s essential function is assisting
        the body with over 600 enzyme reactions.   symptoms of depression and anxiety.
        Magnesium is a necessary ingredient in   Despite our need for magnesium, most of
        more than 600 reactions enzymes perform   us don’t get enough of the nutrient. Leafy
        in the body. Without magnesium, your body   vegetables, nuts, seeds, and beans burst
        couldn’t:                            with the mineral. To ensure you get the
             •  Turn food into energy        recommended daily allowance of magnesium,
                                             snack  on  nuts;  throw  some  seeds  and  nuts
             •  Produce and repair DNA and RNA  into soups, stews, salads, and other dishes; and
             •  Contract and relax muscles   create meals around beans, which are hearty
                                             and full of nutrients.
             •  Create protein
        Magnesium improves cardiovascular health,   Source:
        lowers the risk of developing type 2 diabetes,
        and decreases the likelihood of osteoporosis.  HealthProfessional/
        It is not only good for the body but also
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